Meeting the host club

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C H A P T E R  T W O

*||Kaine's POV||*

I woke up and it was 7am. I take my time to get ready for school and eventually descended down the stair case. My parents rushing out the door as I made it to the last step. I guess it's getting worse.
I decided to skip breakfast today and went straight to my limo. No more than 5 minutes I make it to school. I approach its doors and feel all eyes on me. Feeling so out of place, but I decide to ignore them. They should mind their own damn business. It wasn't long that I realized someone was next to me.

Smoky pine with a hint if mint. It's him again.

"Good morning" I greeted without turning my head," I'm sorry but I don't know your name."

He takes a pause as if he didn't expect that.

"My apologies. My name is Kyoya Ootori. May I ask what your name is?" he introduced himself. I have a feeling he already knows but decide to oblige him.

"Of course. My name is Kaine Kohima" I said sweetly,"Not trying to be rude or anything but what is the logic of you accompanying me down the hall?"

"I understand that you don't particularly surround yourself with others-" he began but I cut him off.

"Why does that matter?" I snapped. I realized I made a mistake. I lightly laugh to blow some steam.

"I'm sorry. That was out of character. Continue", I motioned for him to continue. He stayed silent for a moment as he was hesitant but he eventually did.

"But I was curious as to why you didn't come to music room 3 yesterday? I was quiet disappointed" he spoke.

"I apologize again. I was busy yesterday and I didn't have time to visit. Maybe today after school" I informed him.

"Well it's settled then. I'll see you after school" and he walked away.

I run my fingers against the locker door until I reach mine. I turn the nob a few times before opening it up. I grabbed my books and I was about to turn until I was slammed against my own locker. I felt pain run up and down my whole body as I tried to stand straight. I snapped my fingers to face the person responsible. I fixed my dress and waited for the person to speak.

"Who do you think you are?" A girl spoke.

"Well I'm Kaine Kohima, daughter of Shino and Akima Kohima." I said smugly. A sharp pain made it's way on my cheek. She slapped me.

"Don't be smart with me." she seethed.

"Sorry but I do as I please." I spoke standing confidently. The bell rang and I went to class.

Who the hell was she?! She has no right! Why would she do that?! I didn't even do anything! Damn rich people. Typical.

I thought I wouldn't get any more attention like earlier but life decided to prove me wrong. I entered my classroom and it was as if their stares were burning through my soul. I knew the teacher hasn't made it in here yet so I decide to speak.

"Mind your own business" I restrained myself to shout.

I sat down on my desk and began to write in my journal. A moment later the door slid open and every girl began to squeal. I clutch my head in pain. They were so loud I swear I felt like I was about to pass out. The voices began to decrease as I heard footsteps approach me. The scent of roses took over my senses.

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