Lobelia Girls

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C H A P T E R  N I N E

(Warning: this will mostly be Kyoya's POV. Lets see how this goes.)
Also, enjoy this extra long chapter.


*|| Kyoya's POV ||*

Just another day. Another day of painfully knowing very little about her. All she does is stare out the window as if she's in another world. What is going through her head?

Revealed that she has severe anxiety.

Her mother paints.

Very observant.


Seems to trust me the least.

Still unclear why she changed her rank.

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to restrain myself from looking at her. Even though I'm right next to her, she doesn't seem to notice. For someone who constantly points out the little things about everyone, she's oblivious when it comes to herself.

"Psst."Tamaki, who sits in front of me, grabs my attention and whispers," Thats about the tenth time you turn to look at her. Why dont you just talk to her?" He pauses and speaks even softer,
"Specifically about how you feel?"

While I would never admit this out loud, I've accepted the fact about my feelings towards her. Because of this, I have to play this right. I need to be more cautious about my calculations and find a way to supress this ridiculous emotion and get over it. All while trying to figure out her secrets, especially the big one spreading around the host club. For certain, Mori sempai and Honey sempai know. Considering Kaine has a closer relationship with Haruhi than I expected, it's possible that she knows aswell. What am I possibly missing?!

My thoughts are interrupted as I see that Kaine stood up and not only her but everyone else. It hit me that class has ended. As I gather my things, Tamaki and Kaine wait for me by the door frame.

"Sorry for the delay." I apologize. Tamaki just smiles at me knowing why.

"You sound dazed, Kyoya. You alright there?" Kaine asks dazed herself.

"I could ask you the same thing." I raise a brow as I notice her cheek looking bruised and looking at her more, her right hand is wrapped in bandages. How did I not notice this earlier?

I can tell Tamaki noticed my staring but for a different reason,"What happened to your hand?" I ask.

"Dont worry about it." She mumbles a bit on edge.

"Kaine... did you get in a fight?" Tamaki pursues.

"If I were in a fight, I wouldn't be here right now." She replies.

"In the nurse or the front office?" I ask with a smirk. She doesnt reply, clearly not wanting to joke around.

"Are you being picked on?" Tamaki asks another question.

"Whatever. I can handle myself and itll not like its going to happen again. I took care of it." She responds in her dazed self again.

"What does that me-"

"And we're here." She interrupts Tamaki as she opens the doors of music room 3. We walk in and see the host getting dressed already.

"Hey Kaine, just in the nick of time." The twins chime, "Mori sempai is still putting on his armor and he needs help."

We turn to Mori who seems to be struggling to get his armor properly fitted. He grunts a bit.

"Calm down, Mori sempai. Ill help you." Kaine says she walks over to him. Within a few minutes, she sets him up just right. He smiles at her and says," Thanks." And looks at me. What's that supposed to mean?

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