Covering the Famous Host Club

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C H A P T E R   E I G H T E E N

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

I just made my way to the outside garden when everyone heads inside frantically.

"C'mon Kaine." Kaoru grabs my hand.

"I just got here. What did you guys do?" I ask him as I'm dragged away with them.

"We didn't do anything. The boss did." Hikaru vaguely explains.

"He kicked a ball threw a window and now we gotta see the damage he caused." Kaoru further explains.

"So that's what I heard earlier." I connect the dots.

"Hey it wasn't my fault. I was just playing the game." Tamaki tries to defend himself as we run down the hall.

"And look how that turned out." Haruhi groans.


We arrive at the musty old news paper club. The smell of old paper and ink with some type of cologne overwhelm my senses.

"Really, we're terribly sorry about that."

Summer is drawing close and I'm running out of time.  I got to plan. Though, no one is going to be happy about it.

I wonder how Kyoya is. It was a stupid but effective stunt I pulled the other day. I didn't lie and I'm not sure if that was a good call.

"You're what I want. My advantage is to be with you. I want to hold you, to please you..... and maybe even love you and no one else. All I want is you."

"I didn't know we had a newspaper club." Haruhi asks as I come back into reality.

"It's more gossip brag than newspaper." Hikaru fills her in.

"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles and junk like that." Kaoru adds in.

"It's just a lame gossip brag that specializes in stirring up scandal." Hikaru somewhat repeats himself.

"And everyone knows it's all lies, so nobody reads it any more." they end their explanation in unison.

"It's obvious that they're all lies. Some were even about me. When I first got here, it was published that I was a spy undercover. An article  where I was blind, one where I was deaf, and my favorite, blind and deaf." I inform them.

"You know, I guess we have kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers..." their President rambles on. All this is so trivial.

"... and maybe even love you ... "

Love me, huh? I wonder if that actually happened before the whole mess. It'd be a simpler life that I can't afford. 

"I want to be with you."

The truer the words, the more dangerous it seems. I believe him and that's what's terrifying.

"You can count on us. On behalf of the host club, I..." Tamaki breaks my train of thoughts.

"We'll have to decline." Kyoya intervenes with Tamaki against this. 

"But Kyoya, he got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?"

Back to summer plans. I need to pack for a weekend to Bali, and a week for Switzerland. Obviously, I'll spend most of my time with Haruhi  until the boys find out where she is. I don't know if Kyoya will have the audacity to invite me anywhere this summer.

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