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C H A P T E R  T W E L V E

*|| Kyoya's POV ||*

' "So..." I hesitate," how do you feel about this resolution?
You never reciprocated my feelings towards you other than saying yes." She takes a moment to think before  responding.

"Ive been asked a few times how I feel towards you and each time I've said no."

Then why did you say yes?

"Im not emotionally expressive and, as you know, I've never done this before." She's right. That much, I do know.  She pauses focusing on our hands, though she doesn't seems to really be staring at them. Interesting," You're not the type of person to reveal your emotions and I wonder what drove you to confess." My father. "Seeing the time frame, you've kept it hidden for a while. And while, I'm sure, there were many times you were threatened to have it revealed, you found a way to keep it hidden." No thanks to the twins. I take quick glimpse at the before turning my attention back to her."So, when you did confess, I have to admit, nothing came to mind." Really?, "I had to force myself to think. To register. When I pulled away, I had to strategize and figure out your motive. You said that your advantage was to be with me. How true of you, using your emotions to disorient a girl like me to have a chance to win. A good technique." She begins  to play with my fingers once more," You ask if I return your affection... I have to admit, I'm wondering that myself." This definitely caught my attention that I stop typing. "For all you know, I could be using you to extract information," to my dismay, that's exactly what I'm doing."... suppress my negative emotions with your affections, or I could even be doing it to pass the time." Despite my best efforts, I started to pull away but she keeps a grip with  my hand, "but i can tell you one thing..." she places my hand on her chest. Her heart rate is slightly elevated," it doesn't feel wrong." '

That was yesterday. Its the weekend currently on my way to my father's office. Two knocks and i hear is voice through the door giving me permission to come in.

"Well?" Is all he says.

"Her mother passed away not long ago and she herself is planning the funeral. Despite being fluent in several languages, i can deduce her first language is Italian. And seeing how we know her father is Japanese, we can safely say her mother is Italian and the funeral will be held there." I inform him with a heavy heart. Its just business. I remind myself.

"That explains her father's sudden trip over to Italy." He puzzles for a bit. "That's all I need. You're dismissed." I bow. "Yes, father."

I must not feel this way. I need to suppress this. Just like she said, for all I know, she could be using me.

"It doesn't feel wrong."  Her words ring inside my head. I adjust my glasses and I head towards my bedroom.

"I need to make major recalculations" I exasperate.

"On what?" Her voice rings down the hall and I spin in place to see her standing in the middle of my hall, waiting for me to say something." What does the Great Kyoya Ootori have to recalculate in such a majorly way?" she sounds... not right. How long has she been here?

"When did you get here?" I ask, suppressing my panic.

"About when i heard you walk out the door."  She answers and i keep myself composed.

"And to what do i owe the pleasure to have you here?"  I slyly ask. She sighs.

"What makes you think im here for a particular reason?"

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