An Apprentice and A Big Reveal (pt. 2)

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y  T H R E E

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

"YoU sAW HaRuHi'S UnDeRwEaR?!" the twins shout.

"So what do we do?" Kaoru spits out.

"There's only one thing to do. We have to induce amnesia. Hold him."Hikaru answers his brother.

"What did I just walk into?" I say out loud, curious as to what's going on.

"That's enough you two. Leave assault and battery to the professionals. Kaine come join us please." Kyoya  stops whatever they're doing.

"What are you? Made of ice? How can you be so calm about this?" Kaoru shouts at Kyoya.

"Look! The boss is so deep in shock, he's regressing." Hikaru. I hear Tamaki moan.

Ah so Kasanoda found out.

"Well, now that it appears the proverbial cat is out of the bag, let's talk. Haruhi is compelled to hide the fact that she is a girl due to certain mitigating circumstances." Kyoya clears up mischievously. Time to play, I guess.

"While, we can't physically force you to cooperate exactly. There is something we would like you to bear in mind. Coming from the sort of family you do, I'm certain you hear all sorts of juicy little rumors, enough to know what's true and what's not." I follow Kyoya's lead and continue to intimidate Kasanoda.

"Take the Ootori family's private police force, the Black Onion Squad. It is said that they can be mobilized against our enemies in the blink of an eye. You have heard of them, right?" Kyoya adds. I can hear Kasanoda's pants from here.

"A power couple" Hikaru mumbles.

"Indeed" Kaoru agrees. Haruhi then interrupts us as she tells us to leave him alone.

"That's no fun." I grumble practically throwing myself on the couch.

After much teasing and questioning, Kasanoda leaves. Everyone has somewhat calmed down, and Kyoya sits next to me, scribbling in his journal.

"So, you never told me about your staircase incident. Why don't you fill me in?"

"Well, you walked out on that...Quite literally." I stifle a laugh not thinking much about it.

"Kaine, I'm serious." he stops his writing."We made a deal. No need to be so secretive every time i ask you a question."

"My dear Kyoya, life is not fair and I do not owe you an explanation. Besides if I told you everything, you would not look at me the same." my voice softens at the end of my sentence.

"We can never think less of you Kaine." Tamaki jumps in in the conversation, clearly listening in.

"Y'know we heard all about your injured state. Saying it was a costume but it really wasn't a costume. You stole Kyoya's glasses and you guys have been sort of snappy towards each other ever since." Hikaru lists.

"They're always snappy at each other." Haruhi points out.

"Yeah, but more than usual." Kaoru clarifies.

"You need to stop being so secretive. It's not fun guessing anymore." Hikaru groans.

"Yeah, not to mention that we lost count on your arguments with Kyoya. It's so boring now." Kaoru joins his brother.

"C'mon you can tell us anything." Tamaki grabs my hand." You're our queen. We would never judge."

I pull away from his grip before getting up from my seat, "I can' risk it."

"Can't risk what? Trusting your friends?" Kyoya snaps.

"Kyoya's losing his cool." the twins mumble.

"You've gone all year being secretive, manipulative, disappearing. And yet we still know little to nothing about you-"

"Stop." I whisper.

"Aside from Mori senpai and possibly Honey senpai and Haruhi, the rest of us know nothing about you. Nothing because you think so little of us."

"You know, he's got a point Kaine. You're always in a constant state of tension as if someone is out to get you." Tamaki adds on to Kyoya's point of argument."Why can't you trust us?"

"Stop." I whisper again. My back makes contact with a pillar. I didn't even know i was moving.

"What is it that you're so afraid about?" Hikaru asks.

"Whatever the problem, we can help you." Kaoru adds.

"You need to start trusting us." Tamaki' voice carries over.

"Why should we trust you if you won't trust us?" Kyoya asks

"Guys i think we should-"

"No, Haruhi she need to-"

"Answer our question"


I can't handle these voices anymore.

"Talk to us."

"We're your friends."

"Guys, i think-"

"I'M BLIND!" I burst out, immediately covering my mouth.

"You're what?" Hikaru and Kaoru ask, not in disbelief but more confused as if i told a joke and they didn't get the punch line.

"I'm blind." I groan, fully regretting what I said.

"No, you're not." Tamaki chuckles. I rub my forehead ready for the questions.

"Yes, I am." They don't believe me.

"No, you're not." the twins contradict me.

"I'm blind. I can't see. I have no sight whatsoever." I clarify.

"If you're blind then how-"

"-do I get around? Take a moment and think about it." I interrupt Hikaru. It's quiet for a moment.

"Ooooooooooh." Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru say in unison.

"Wait but how do you do your homework when you're around us?" Tamaki asks.
"She only works on her writing assignments that don't involve reading." Haruhi answers for me. Mori grabs a hold on my arm to keep me up.

"So does that mean you have someone read your assignments for you or..?"

"I have my own books for me to read." I answer Hikaru's question.

"You know. The more I think about it, the more it makes sense." Kaoru says out loud.

"If anything the most surprising thing about this is that Kyoya didn't figure it out sooner." Hikaru adds.

I then notice the lack of minty pine scent.

"The question is: where is Kyoya?" Tamaki asks. Everyone takes a moment to look around and listen to their small movements.

"He probably left as soon as I said I'm blind." I exhale.

"I think it's time for us to head home." Haruhi suggests knowing my state of exhaustion. Walking out with everyone and saying our goodbyes for the day, Mori follows me to my car.

"I could use the company." I mumble without him saying a word.

With the hum of the car engine and subtle bumps to my home, I turn to Mori," It's only going get worse from here. Kyoya's not going to look at me the same way."

"You sure about that?" He asks.

"No, I'm not. That's what worries me."

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