An Apprentice and a Big Reveal

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y   T W O

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

We're in between classes at the moment and Tamaki begins to ramble on about something. I, on the other hand, continue doing my work.

"Stargazing!!" his sudden burst made me jump in my seat. I scratched my journal with my pen.

"Thank you Tamaki for making me lose track of my thoughts." I say sarcastically as I close my journal and move on to my next assignment.

"Sorry Kaine but, you know, you didn't have to change assignments." he quivers a bit.

"Don't judge my studying methods." I close all my books to give Tamaki my full attention."Now, what about stargazing?"

"Right! We should go stargazing! I think it would great if we went stargazing at the beach!" Tamaki says all giddy.

"Tamaki, do you remember the last time we went to the beach?" I remind him. I hear his stunted voice, clearly remembering. I smirk."Y'know? Where everyone was having a good time but then Haruhi fell off a cliff and you guys had a fight. And where she purposely ate a bunch of crab and then you catch her and Kyoya in his room and next thing the rest of us know, you have her blindfolded with headphones."

"Why are you bringing this up?" Kyoya asks annoyingly. Ah, so I triggered him too.

"No reason. I'm only making sure if Tamaki really wants to go to the beach for stargazing." I coo.

"Then why do I get the feeling it's not just about Tamaki." Kyoya asks.

"Well it is about Tamaki. You're just paranoid seeing how you won't really talk to me and avoid me at all costs ever since halloween." I state. "Though I'm not the type of girl who's desperate for a boy's attention and affection like most girls in this school so you don't have to worry."

A string of tense silence between me and Kyoya.

"Anyway... stargazing. If not the beach then where?" Tamaki breaks the ice.

"Whatever you decide, count me out." I don't quite answer him.

"Why?" Tamaki asks.

"What's the point of stargazing if they're just balls of gas millions of lightyears away? No thank you." I answer him.

"That's a bit harsh. C'mon join us. It'll be fun."  he tries to persuade me."Kyoya, talk some sense into her."

"No" he quickly denies "Besides what makes you think she'll listen to me?"

"It's decided! We'll go stargazing at Kyoya's villa!" Tamaki declares.

"There he goes."Kyoya mumbles.


It's the end of the school day, I tell Tamaki to go ahead without us.

"Okay, I'll see you later." He laughs before leaving us. Before Kyoya could even object, I grab onto his sleeve and drag him into an empty classroom.

"You're pissed at me. Fine whatever. I can handle that but what i can't handle is not knowing why. Whether petty or not, i don't care. Why are you pissed at me?" I demand.

"Interesting." He says.

"What?" I exclaim keeping him against the door to make sure he doesn't leave.

"The fact that you demand to know something, asking me questions, and not leaving me alone until i do. Ring a bell?" he informs me.

"That's not fair." i say rather upset.

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