It Doesn't Feel Wrong

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----- That same day -----

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

After i walk out the doors, the host club were waiting outside.

"What happened in there?" The twins ask.

"What did he say?" Haruhi asked another question.

"Are you upset Kai-chan?" Honey follows.

"Did you guys fight?" Tamaki joining the group.

"If they fought we would've heard them." Hikaru answers his questions.

"Yeah boss, get it right." Kaoru adds. Before Tamaki could pick a fight, Haruhi interrupts, "Can you guys please focus on the current situation."

"I..." I stop myself short." Were you guys listening?"

"No. We couldnt hear anything." The twins answers.

"Yeah, so we waited to hear from one of you guys." Honey sempai intervenes.

"What is it?" Haruhi asks.

I took a deep breath in,"...Im dating Kyoya..."

They all gasp.

----- The Next Day -----

On the way home from school yesterday to this morning was all a blur. My mind just replayed what Kyoya said over and over again. I didnt eat, i didnt plan, i didnt study. As I got ready for school, I wanted to figure out what happened and although I was there, I dont know what happened. Despite my sense of calmness, my heart was pounding out of my chest. This has never happened before. I was never one to be in a relationship, much less with somone with actual interest. I always expected to be in an arranged marriage for beneficial reasons. This has changed my future plans completely.

Im with Kyoya.

Next thing I know, I realize my phone has been ringing and I'm pulled out of my trance. I finally pick my phone to answer.


"Dont over think this." My chest is pounding once more.

"What do you want from me, Kyoya?" I ask very unsurely.

"I already told you what I want." He vaguely answers.


"I want you. I want to be with you. I want to hold you and kiss you and protect you. Granted this is out of character, but how I feel for you is not a secret anymore. So, I will say it as many times as I can, when I can, until you believe my words." He interjects. I stay quiet." Now, if you have nothing else to ask, I will pick you up in about 5 minutes." And then he hangs up. I gather my things together and I wait downstairs until he arrived. When I opened the door, I was immediately swept away into the limo. With Kyoya sitting on my right, he places his arm around me as he types on his computer. And we're off to school.

"You can relax, you know. Im not going to hurt you or anything." He says concentrated on his laptop. I let go of the hem of his jacket. To be honest I wasn't aware that I was doing that. It took a few seconds but I let my body relax, placing my head on his shoulder.

Shortly after, we arrived. My heartbeat increased but for a completely different reason. Everyone will know. Everyone's eyes will be on me. Kyoya was the first out the door. Hesitating, I take his hand and he helps me out the car. We begin to walk together holding hands.

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