A Beach Fit

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C H A P T E R  S E V E N

*|| Kyoya's POV ||*

"The beach?" Haruhi questions.

"Of course, the beach." The twins comfirm what she just said.

"But why?"Haruhi asks another.

"Dont you remember what you said." Hikaru begins. "You said you'd like to go to a real beach." Kaoru finishes it off.

"Did i say that?" Haruhi says.

"Yes haruhi"the twins say lazily, "here's the fun part."they perk up.

"We've brought some swim suits for you to choose from" Kaoru announces gestering to the many swimsuits they displayed, but specifically at the pink ruffled two piece. I wonder if...

"Pretty cute, don't ya think?" Hikaru adds.

"No, not that one" Honey sempai joins in, "I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-chan" as he holds on to a sailer like one piece. Maybe she'll...

"I dont think you get it Honey sempai" twins shove him aside.

"Hm?" Honey sempai is confused.

"Just look, this uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi is as flat as a cutting board" Hikaru informs as he and Kaoru carry Haruhi.

"A one piece suit like that would only upset her because it draws attention to her lacking feminine fasique." Kaoru adds.

"That why we carefully selected this wonderful two piece suit. See?" Twins. "The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested" though, pink isn't Kaine's color...

"You punks better stop sexually harassing my little girl!" Tamaki shouts" I've had enough of you!"

"That means, we're not going to the beach?" Twins question.  I should stop this thinking...

"Who said that we're not going?" Tamaki smirks with gleam in his eyes.

"Really? So you want to go after all?"Twins say mischievously.

"Can Usa-chan come?" Honey asks.

"I have no problem with that" I answer Honey sempai's question with Mori sempai agreeing with me.

"Huh? We're really gonna go?" Haruhi asks baffled.

"Why not? Lets go to the beach." Tamaki announces.

Where's Kaine?

"Hey, wait a minute," Hikaru captures everyone's attention, "Where's Kaine?"

"Oh yeah," Kaoru looks around," we have to pick her swimsuit to." He grins at me. No.

"She's making up a few tests." Haruhi answers the question.

"Yeah" Mori agrees.

"How do you guys know?" Tamaki asks.

"She texted us. She'll be here in a bit." Haruhi adds.  I never see her interact with Haruhi so often. I'm missing more information on her than I care to admit.

"Doesn't Kyoya have her number too?" The twins chime in. They all turn to me. I adjust my glasses,"Yes, I do." But they didnt push any further as Kaine walks through the doors.

"Speak of the devil." Tamaki says.

"Hi guys." Kaine greets us. My heart seemed to skip a beat. Why?

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