The End Is Near

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y  S I X

*|| Kaine's POV ||*

Mori is teaching Hikaru how to drive a horse drawn carriage while I leisurely sit in the back.

"Woah, woah!" Hikaru says as the carriage comes to a stop.

"Nicely done. You handle the reigns like a pro."Mori compliments him.

Honey calls on Haruhi and everyone climbs on the carriage. I sit at the edge and from what I can tell, Kaoru is sitting next to me and Honey next to him while Kyoya sits across from me and Haruhi sits between him and Tamaki.

"Oh wow, it's right out of a fairy tale!"

"How romantic!"

"Kaine is so lucky!"

"I wish I were her!"

"Can we have a ride, too?"

"Not only is she friends with the host club but she's also dating Kyoya!"

"I love you!"

People fawn over us as we enjoy the ride with the twins talking amongst themselves.

"It's kind of neat having us all together like this for a carriage ride, huh?" Honey chirps.

"Yeah, whatever." Haruhi grumbles.

"Oh and for the parade tomorrow, we'll all be in 18th century French costumes." Tamaki reveals to us.


"Your outfit will be especially opulent, Haruhi. And you Kaine, your dress be fit for a queen."

"I've always wondered why I suddenly became Queen of this club when I'm not even a host." I point out.

"It is kind of weird, Boss, seeing how..."

"... Kyoya is the one dating Kaine and not you." Hikaru and Kaoru finish each others sentences.

"That's not at all what I meant!! I ..."

Tamaki begins to frantically explain himself but I simply tune him out as I enjoy this moment with my friends.


It's the day of the fair and I walk around the room, soundlessly monitoring all the guests and hosts.

"Kaine will you join me? I'm afraid I need your help."Kyoya calls for me. I join him where he sits and I help with budget calculations. Haruhi and Tamaki talk while we finish up.

"This is a bit too much even by our standards. You could buy a small country with all the money we're wasting." Haruhi points out.

"What nonsense! That's not the host club way at all and you know it. Happiness is above any price tag. Besides, think of all the exposure..."

"No, Haruhi is right. You have overshot the budget."Kyoya interrupts Tamaki.

"Kyoya..."Tamaki trails off.

"The use of the salon notwithstanding, you had a period style carriage shipped all the way from France. Must you always be so capricious? Your impulsiveness overwhelms my accounting skills. I had to ask Kaine for help in calculations." Kyoya bluntly says. He's not wrong.

"Typical" Haruhi mumbles as I hear her footsteps trail away.

"Whatever! Capriciousness is just another word for creative! I have you know the whims of the host club king are the step of the dreams. No price is too high!" Tamaki cries.

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