Chapter Fourteen: 'Give me my Romeo'

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Enough, Kael had decided, was enough. That kiss had only worsened the obsession he seemed to have developed with Isis and he had no patience left, no more time for ignoring what he was feeling anymore.

He had to tell her. It would be quite simple: just an ‘I like you.’ He practised saying it on the car journey in. I like you. I like you. You, I like. Three simple words. He ended up thinking about whether she’d enjoyed the kiss instead, which was a train of thought he’d been experiencing frequently over the past few days.

Determinedly, he swerved his mind back to telling her. It would be simple, very simple. He knew that Isis wasn’t the shy type, and neither did she shy away from being blunt. He doubted that she wouldn’t bring up what had happened in that empty classroom and inquire about it. She’d ask why he did it, he’d tell her it was because he liked her, and ask her if she wanted to go out some time. Simple.

She had to say yes, didn’t she? Surely she’d have enjoyed that kiss as much as he did- it was her first. Kael felt rather proud of the fact that he’d been the first to kiss her lips. It made him feel instantly more protective. And also made him hope that he’d be the only one to kiss her ever again (apart from Callum, of course. There wasn’t much escaping that).

Strange how some things could be so simple, but feel like the hardest thing in the world. Kael wondered if he’d ever manage it. He’d asked out countless girls before, but never had it felt quite so consequential. He knew why. Isis mattered. If she said no, it would take quite some getting over, he knew that. If any of the previous girls had said no (which he highly doubted they would have done, judging by their eager acceptance), he would have had his pride wounded, but he wouldn’t have actually cared.

And he did care, when it came to Isis. He cared an awful lot.

It was freezing cold outside today. Kael’s breath clouded around him in the icy air, and he wondered, casually, if Isis was alright, coming to school in this weather. She was only a little slip of a thing, and he imagined it wouldn’t take very long for her to freeze over. He found his thoughts wandering to how warm she’d been during that moment yesterday when she had been in his arms, her body feeling almost as if it was part of his as their lips melted together.

It had probably been the most chaste kiss he’d ever had with anyone; there had been no probing tongues, no lip biting, no roving hands sliding beneath clothing. But the kiss had haunted him. More than that first messy make out with Rochelle all those years ago that he struggled to remember clearly, more than that all those really passionate ones, which led to far more. The kiss had sent his pulse racing, his head spinning as if he was completely drunk. He’d barely been able to think of anything else since, and he didn’t feel like he’d be able to think of anything else ever again. She was just so perfect and turned him on by doing so little, turned him on unimaginably so.

Heading through the school entrance, he glanced round, hoping for a glimpse of her. No familiar blonde hair, lighting up the entire room wherever she went. Nope. He kept looking, seeing Xavier, Lucas, everyone except her. The bell rang, and suddenly, people sped up, heading to classes. Kael sighed. He’d wanted to see her, and to hopefully talk to her about what had happened. Then he could spend the rest of the day either celebrating his date with her, or mourning the fact that she didn’t care about him at all. He’d at least prefer that to having to mope about the school, thinking about her, worrying, wondering, hoping that she’d accept him. Shaking his head at his own foolishness, he headed off to his first lesson, wondering what Isis would say when he asked her.

Behind him, Isis found herself speeding up. That was Kael ahead, she recognised the way that he walked, coupled with his expensive looking rucksack. She increased her pace, wondering what would happen if she fell into step next to him, and feigned surprise to see him there. She hadn’t a clue what she would say. Hopefully he’d do the talking.

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