Chapter 2- Distracted

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Louis sat in the back seat of his classroom closed off from everyone else. It was like he had a box around him blocking him from the outside world. His dark bluish gray hoddie was pulled over his head and the two strings hanging down were tied into a knot as they always were. He wore his black glasses and a gray and light blue striped shirt. He wore dark blue skinny jeans that were rolled up above the ankles and a pair of gray toms.

Louis defiantly had a different sense of style then everyone else. That just set him apart though. Louis' pencil tapped against the wood desk as he waited for the bell to ring for his 6th class of the day. That class was art. He loved art and thought of it as a form of self expression. It was a way he could say his thoughts without being judged.

The bell rang throughout the class as students rushed off to wherever they needed to go. Louis just took his sweet time packing his bags as his art class was just a few class rooms away.

It was pretty obvious that Louis was completely different. Sometimes the kids at Louis' school wondered if he was ever of this earth. In their eyes he was the weirdo who never spoke. They had nothing to do with him. So Louis kept to himself mostly not wanting to get to involved in things. When the off chance did come around that someone wanted to have a conversation with him they would be scared away by the things he liked to talk about. Its not as though he talked about disturbing or disgusting things, he just spoke his mind. That means he would tell them about the voice.

He swung his bag over his shoulder and began to walk out of class until and hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Louis can you stay after for a moment" His english teacher asked as they both walked back to his desk.

Louis was quite fond of Mr. Wendt He was a smart man and Louis absolutely had a lot to learn from him. Mr.Wendt was also one of the only people Louis spoke to on a regular basis. "Something troubling you today, Louis?" Mr.Wendt asked the boy as he crossed his arms and leaned on his desk, "You seem quite out of it"

"Don't I always?" Louis chuckled a bit trying to ease the tension.

"I suppose so...But today it was different. Do you even remember what the lesson was about?" Mr. Wendt questioned as he started to erase the white board.

"Uhmmm" Louis searched for any remembering of that days lesson but honestly found none. He adjusted his glasses on his face and sighed. "No...."

Mr. Wendt sighed and rubbed his forehead. "We can talk about this later" He muttered as he wrote Louis a pass to class.

"Bye Mr.Wendt" Louis groaned in disappointment with himself as he took the pass and walked down the hall to art.

Once Louis sat down in art after giving his teacher a pass she told them the project they would be working on.

"Now class. Today you will be painting a scene. Not just any scene but a scene in nature. This scene must have some type of deeper meaning to you."

Normal students thought Louis' art teacher was a looney old bat. Lou on the other hand found her to be rather eccentric or interesting in character.

Louis picked up a pencil and closed his eyes. He let his imagination run wild as ideas for the scene played through his mind. He could hear the voice telling him exactly what the scene would look like and the image of perfection came in his mind. The view of the field from his window.

Louis opened his eyes and stared down at the paper. His blue orbs hidden by caramel hair as he focused and began sketching a picture.


The rather small for his age boy walked up to his home to see his mothers silver colored car gone out of the drive way. He walked in and called out to her. He was happy to see that she wasn't. Instead of running up the stairs to go do his homework real quick he could run out into the field for a while. But knowing himself a while that is supposed to mean 30 minutes ends up being about 4 hours.

Louis set his bag down next to the couch and walked round back and towards the open fields. He sat criss cross applesauce down in the freshly colored green grass awaiting the lingering feeling of a warm breath on his ears.

"Louis...." The voice beckoned to him, "You're here. You're finally back. I missed you"

Louis smiled warmly and nodded. Louis wouldn't miss this for the world. He wanted to feel the fuzziness inside of him the came along with the deep voice.

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