Chapter 3- Child That Once Was

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She leaned up against the wall in front of the window and sighed. He looked so happy but Lottie didn't want to ruin her brothers happy moment by telling him what was really happening. He was laughing like the child that he once was. It was as if he really was a child again. He had no care in the world.

Lottie always wondered what it was like to see life from her brothers point of view. His world seemed so innocent and carefree. Kind of like a innocent 3rd grader, But Louis wasn't in third grade. Louis was 16 and this worried the whole Tomlinson family. He acted like a child when it was really his time to step up and be a man. He actually had too now that their dad was gone. He couldn't take Louis' insane mind, as he called it, anymore.

"Mum? Should I call him in?" Lottie asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Is he out there again?!" Jay questioned as she peered out the window. She sighed and nodded to Lottie, "Go ahead"

"Mum can we please do it this time?!" Daisy asked as she suddenly bursted in, hand wrapped around her twin sister, Phoebe's wrist.

Jay smiled at the girls and nodded as they giggled and ran out the back door to call Louis in for dinner.

"Sweetie could you go get Felicite?" Jay asked her daughter as she ran up the steps.

"Fizzy! Dinner!" she beamed as she opened her bedroom door.

Felicite looked out of her window at her 16 year old brother. He looked happier than he ever did. When he was in that field the whole world went missing and it was just him and the birds chirping and the grass blowing in the wind.

Felicite jumped when she heard the outburst from her older sister.

"Hey you alright?" Lottie tilted her head curiously.

Felicite sighed and watched him get up and walk inside. "He doesn't act like that around us..."

"I know Fizzy...Hes just different then us...hes got something that a bit not right up here" Lottie commented as she tapped her head, "Come one lets go to dinner"


"Thank you sir........Mhmmm......Yes in about a week.....Oh of course........Bye" Jay hung up the phone and sighed in relief. She had finally gotten a hold of Louis' therapist. Louis had rarely ever been to a therapist but Jay thought it might do him some good. Maybe it would trigger something inside him to see that all it was is just his silly imagination.

Jay blew out the one burning candle in the house and peered inside her kids rooms to make sure they were asleep. She saw a light coming from the cracked door of Louis room and sighed. "Oh Louis" She groaned quietly in frustration and opened his door.

"Boobear, go to bed"

Louis didn't respond in anyway. He didn't even turn to look at her. Not even when she said the nickname he loved as a small kid.


Still no response.

Jay sighed and quietly mumbled an "I love you" before shutting Louis' bedroom door and heading down the hall to her own

Louis sat in his window sill writing away at his journal. He had gotten into the habit of 1 journal entry per day. He definatly found it helpful to put everything down on paper rather then saying it outloud and waiting for everyone to call you insane then forget you ever hung out and then you becoming the weird one who sits alone at a lunch table not already preoccupied.

Louis finished writing his entry and slipped the notebook under him pillow. He changed into some boxer shorts and a plain white short sleeve T-shirt before jumping into bed. He fluffed his pillow and laid down waiting for good dreams of the boy and his mysterious voice.

Dear Journal,

I have changed your name to Journal. Mostly because Dear Diary sounds a bit more flamboyant than to my liking.

Anyway, She told me a lot today. It was the usual flattering comments but today I felt something. I know for a fact the she's with me. She's always there but she just wont show herself. Her words are just so touching they make me blush like a love sick fool. I cant wait to see the face behind these words.

On a different note, today everyone was trying to converse with me at dinner and talk about why I'm out there in the grass so much. Its not that I don't want to tell them. Its just that I really do want to keep her all for myself. She's mine. Only mine. Forever....

-Louis Tommo

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