chapter 3

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"that moment when he defend you!" 




I walked into the office reciting the dua's that ammi always asked us to recite when starting any day!

I nodded to the people as I walked into my office

I owned a motor co-operation

We made, initialized and sold the best race, sports, highland and other cars but the main dealings we're race and sports cars

I did other  businesses too but motor corp was my love and passion

"As salamu alaikum, Sir" greeted me  voice as I entered the office

I smiled as Ruqayyah stood there with all the files and books

"Meeting with Mr. Agarwal in 10 minutes" she said and i nodded

i walked into my office and set at my desk

the door knocked and i looked up to see her standing there

"Can i come in?" she asked and i nodded

"Your files on the meeting- all prepared and checked- this deal is ours!" she said and i stared at her

how did she manage?

"I came early and with huge help from everyone- got it done" she replied and i nodded 

i checked the time

since the meeting was in our conference hall, it was easy for me to be there- 

I got up 

"I think we should head out now" i said and she nodded following me out

I took out my phone and handed it to her

She gave me a quizzical look

"Answer all incoming calls, text messages and emails-" i said 

she stared at me blankly

"Its nothing personal there- just office work- except for my ammi and sister- so no problem" i said and she nodded smiling slightly

i walked inside and greeted me was the biggest surprise of my life- 

Mr Agarwal.... i knew him- he who owned those buildings........ back years back- 

I smiled at the memory

not my best one but not my worst one either- 

"Good morning sir" my employers stood up and so did Mr. Agarwal and his PA- 

I think the world is running short of clothes- someone please donate her some clothes!

"Morning ladies and gentlemen, please take a seat" i said and turned to Ruqayyah- 

she stood there motionless

"I assume you have met my PA Ms. Ruqayyah?" i asked and they nodded smiling up at her

"Now lets start the meeting shall we?" i asked and they nodded

i took my head chairman seat and switched on the powerpoint

I wanted the deal and i must have them- 

"jee- ji nahi- umm- i really don't think so- ma'am- par- par-:" she stammered in hindi and i walked to her

she had left half an hour ago and she was on phone?

my phone?

she looked up when she saw me

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