chapter 26

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You made falling in love worth it!
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Zahi woke up when I was finishing my pending work, signing off papers and setting the coming months target 

i had been working since Zohr prayer while she slept peacefully in my bed

She walked to me, rubbing her eyes and I smiled at her

She was pink from rubbing her eyes too much

I pulled her hand out of her eyes and chuckled

"You fell asleep, during the show" I said and she gave me a toothy grin

Although some of the teeth were missing.

"where is mama?" She asked me sleepily

"She is... with my mama- now-" i said as i picked her up in my arms "- what do you want to do?"

She thought for a while and sighed

"I wiesh I had gotten my toys from home!!!!" She whined

I grinned

Who said I did not have toys?

"You wanna play with toys? Don't you wanna watch movies or play games?" I asked her and she shook her head

"I want to play Spiderman!!" She yelled and I laughed

"You mean the game Spiderman, right?" I asked her and she shook her head

"Baya hwas thish toys that look like spidey!!!!"she said and I grinned

"Come on... let's see what toys we can find..." I said as we walked out of my room and down to the nursery

I stood in front of the huge closet with toys

"Okay I open, you choose" I said and she nodded

I had placed her on one of the chairs

Zaik stood beside her, we decided to play with Zaik too!

I opened the closet to reveal all Iqra and I's childhood toys

From the worst to the best

"You have action figures?!" Asked Zaik and I nodded

Since Sohayl was here most of the time with Shumayll, we stocked up this place more

"Cool!!!" Said Zaik going through them
"SPIIDDEEYYY!!" Screamed Zahi she she saw Spiderman stuffed toy

I picked it up and gave it to her

soon we all were picking up various toys and putting them into my old toy cart before Zaik and Zahi decided to pull them up to my room 

we set on the floor and i set up the huge trail for car racing 

i brought it recently because i was so fascinated by it!

the best thing about it was that it was so damn long that it took up the entire living room space of my room 

Zahi decided to place small houses and barns and what not in between the tracks to make it 'homely'

Zaik placed about sky scrapers and towering building and Zahi hung 'spidey' from the tallest skyscraper

the place was set and i chuckled looking about 

The Billionaire and The NiqabiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon