chapter 37

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Love is a roller coaster ride.... enjoy it!!!




I think i am falling for you i thought and a smile creeped on my face

"I think i am too- but that would be a lie" he whispered in my ear and goosebumps appeared


"You spoke your thoughts out loud" he said placing a hand on my back and pressing my body to his in a tight hug

"Oh..." was all i could say as we stood there in each others arms

it felt natural and instantly i felt a swirl of different emotions within me

"Mamaaaa!!!!" screamed Zahi's voice and we jumped a meter apart from each other as my child ran bursting into the room

I knelt down to her and after giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, she ran up to Iqraam who picked her up and handed her a piece of chocolate

"Whats that?" i questioned them and they gave me identical grins

"Ferrero Rocher" said Zahi and i sighed

"Iqraam, don't give her chocolates, her teeth will-" i said and Zahi continued the sentence

"Go bad but mama! i brush!!!" she whined and Iqraam laughed

"Let her eat, she hardly eats them anyway" he said and i nodded

"So..... we get to call you abba from now?" asked Zahi absentmindedly as she opened her chocolate

Iqraam looked at me and i smiled at him

"Depends.... do you want to?" he drawled and Zahi chuckled

"Of course we do!" said Zaik walking inside the room and i hugged him

"Then its decided, i am your abba from now-" said Iqraam and Zahi squealed and Zaik hugged Iqraam

i smiled

Musawwir was never this good with them... not that he ever met Zahi personally but still

"Guys we shifting today by magrib- so get your things ready" said iqraam and the two kids nodded

Zahi got out of Iqraam's arms and strode away Allah knows where and Zaik went out to Namaan (He had the courtesy to tell me that unlike my daughter)

"Shower?" i asked Iqraam and he nodded

"Just lock the door, Shumayll would not knock- he needs time to adjust- sorta" said Iqraam and i nodded

i set infront of his dresser and stared at my reflection in the mirror

My eyebrows were naturally made, the arch was natural and my eyes were hazel brown

i had medium sized eyes that were rimmed with thick lashes which were barely visible, not that i complain- i mean i am happy the way i am

my nose was okay i guess, my lips were full and dull pinkish

there was a scar, barely visible on my lower lip that was a reminder, like many others, of my past life

my thumb traced it and i sighed

No use dwelling on it

"Are you okay?" Asked Iqraam from behind me and I nodded without looking up from the dresser

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