chapter 35

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  "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." 

~Dr. Suess   



I felt excited, thrilled, scared and nervous at once 

i was now Mrs. Ruqayyah Iqraam Ibrahim- like is this real? 

this feeling was unlike any other i ever felt. 

i did not know Musawwir before the nikkah, but i knew Iqraam and they are two different people 

i know for sure now that Iqraam will never do such a thing with me 

'Quit thinking about Musawwir, its over- Iqraam will be different- give him a chance' at times my inner conscious seems more wise than me 

i set there after Zuhr prayers waiting for the men to finish praying 

ammi set by me and Loriza aunty was beside her 

(Mah aunty asked me to call her ammi)

Iqra and Nafz were chatting away and Nabz was staring at her phone, Allah knows looking at what- ;) 

"Its over, its time to head home!" said Huma didi coming in the view 

Sohayll was at home with daadi mah and Huma didi came with Loriza aunty and uncle 

We nodded and i stood up helping ammi and aunty up too 

"Shall we?" asked ammi smirking and i nodded 

tying my niqab, i walked outside with Iqra and Nabz 

We stood opposite the SUV and my heart rate increased 

i have no idea what so ever on what to do as i stand and wait for my now- husband 

"As salaam!!" said abba (Iqraam's father) and i trained my eyes on the floor muttering a quick reply 

such beauty of nature, don't you think? 

"so shall we leave?" asked ammi and everyone muttered a yes 

all of the ladies had congratulated me and i felt more nervous 

"Get in the car!" his voice startled me 

i looked up and met his gaze, his face lit up with a huge smile as he walked to the car 

opening the door, he asked Iqra to hop in and then me 

i felt my heart melt (figuratively speaking) at his cute gesture 

Shumayll took the front seat and turned to me 

i mentally face palmed myself 

here comes hack of annoyance... 

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at me making me flinch down

"thanks.." i muttered and he chuckled

The Billionaire and The NiqabiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin