F I N A L E (A/N)

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Hey, salaam people....

How are you all?

Many comments in epilogue almost made me cry, and I felt so loved and appreciated by how much you guys have given me

I write this book because I did not want to be lonely, I am the youngest kid in my family and my older sister is married, so I decided to write this book

I always wanted to make a difference in this world, even if it was the smallest bit

I based many of the events in this story on what I felt and saw in my life so yeah

I wanted to make a stand for women, I wanted to show that they are strong and cannot be treated like dirt

And I did it

I guess

I love all of you

I just wanna thank you all

For making me smile and laugh through this wonderful journey

For giving me hope that maybe I can help make a difference

For making me happy and alive

For giving me and my book a chance

Thank you all so much!!!!!

Many of you told me that I am a great write for a 16/ 17 year old and that, it purely amazing to me

Because at least some people appreciate my works

I guess I am in love with places I have never been to and with people I have never met yet they all seem so familiar

Oh and I changed the story description, tell me if it's okay... :)

Thank you!!!!

Again, I love u all to the moon and back!!!!

Please take care of yourselves, eat good and one of you was in the hospital lately, hope u get well soon!!!

Be happy, keep smiling and always know that I will love u forever

In Sha Allah, we shall meet again coming December

Keep me in your prayers!!!!


Allah Hafiz

Lots of love


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