chapter 32

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Loving him was RED! 

~Taylor Swift- Red



i was setting up my wet hair when Namaan called me downstairs 

i had sprinted downstairs at the emergency in his voice 

a growl left my mouth as i stared at the damned TV 


are they for real? 

I looked over to Ruqayyah and she was tense 

Zahi and Zaik were in the nursery so i was hoping they did not see this 

"What. The. Hell. Is. This?" my jaws were clenched and i was pretty sure they would break if my anger raised more 

"Iqraam, calm down, we will handle this-" said abba standing by me 

i clenched my fist and grabbed the nearest phone i could get, not bothering who's it was 

Dialing Mark's number, i waited for him to answer 

"Ma'am?" he said as he answered 

"Its me- what the hell is going on with the news!?!" i snapped at him 

"Look, Iqraam, i am trying to get it under control- " he said 

I growled again 

"I thought all news about Ibrahim Empire has to be verified before airing!?!!! what the heck went wrong here!?!" i growled and heard him tapping in things

"We did not see this one nor did we verify- the ones that are verified are for BAC, DBN, RED and WBN" he said and sighed audibly 

"I don't know how they aired this- its against the policy!!" i snapped at him 

"I don't care what the hell is going on, i want this news channel's CEO on the friking line in 5 minutes- whether available or not- tell them they will pay for the consequences!" i snapped again 

the anger was getting the worst of me 

i hung up and turned to the TV 

"So that was how the billionaire Iqraam Ibrahim turned to supposedly propose the woman who wears a mask to cover her very own identity- also known to many people as his P.A. Looks like the P.A did more things with the billionaire than just work!" said the woman reporting 

i flinched at her implement and my anger rose 

"Iqraam, you can't talk to the CEO this angry- calm down or your anger will make things worse" explained abba and ammi nodded

"Fine- i need a good damned shower!" i muttered and turned to Ruqayyah 

her eyes were trained on the floor and i knew the feelings she had

"Can i get a moment with her?" i asked ammi and abba and they gladly nodded

everyone walked out of the living room and i strode infront of her

kneeling down to her height, i stared at her 

her eyes met mine and there was tears 

"Ruqayyah" i said softly and she sobbed and tears fell, soaking the front of her niqab

"its okay... we know its not true, don't we?" i questioned her and i guess this made her cry harder 

i felt a pain in my chest and i knew it was coz of her 

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