chapter 29

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Life is a journey, keep going, don't worry about the potholes on the way or gravel roads, they will just mold you into a better you! The most important thing is to KEEP GOING!




"He did tell me who he was, just his name" said Huma didi 

apparently, all girls, meaning, Irqa, Nabz, Nafz, Huma didi and I were seated down on the floor of the dining hall, which was quite huge, and were cleaning up vegetables needed for the salad and food 

I was peeling the cucumbers, Iqra set on my right, peeling down the carrot

Huma didi was infront of me cutting the fresh 'Dhanya' and Nabz was chopping english cabbage 

Nafz was just running errands for us as she was too klutz to do anything without cutting herself 

and then the story of Huma didi's marriage started 

she was explaining how she met Shaheer, her husband and dear Shumayll's elder brother 

"I was flattered about it but me, being.. well myself, i did not want to talk to him- i mean come o! he was the hottest hunk on campus!" she grinned and laughter erupted amongst us 

"So yeah..he would always talk to me, play about with me and i guess soon, i fell for him- i mean it was not easy- knowing my family and all- they would never allow me to get married to a guy with no job or career! but then his whole family secret burst when i saw his photos at the office, i was renovating! it was Edris empire-" she said and Iqra laughed

"So he had lied?" i asked running the fork down the cucumber 

"Yup! but then he explained and gave me 2 days to think- 2 days were not even completed when his family came to mine asking for my hand and my parents... said they will think about it- so yeah.... we sorted out our differences and............ things just happened" she said blushing at the ending part 

We laughed before going back to work 

my heart beat increased slowly and a familiar scent traveled through my nose 

oh no 

no no!!

"Iqra, where on earth are the spoons!?!" he asked coming into the view 

his usually neat hair was in a mess and his face was red from the heat 

his eyes met mine and i looked away, feeling my face heat up 

"Its on the top shelf, on the left, beside the micro- or oven- idk which one it is-" said Iqra and Iqraam nodded

he turned to his heels and walked away, but not before shooting me one of his charming smiles 

i shook my head and got back to peeling cucumbers 

after setting up things for salad and food, we were left with one teeny tiny thing

Cut the onions 

as usual, none of them wanted to do it so i volunteered 

"No- wait-" said Iqra and everyone turned to her 

ammi and Loriza aunty were cooking at the other kitchen, backyard kitchen as they call it and we were here setting up things so that its all there when anyone needs it 

"Just give me a sec- i am sure Uncle, daadi mah (Shumayll's grandma- she is awesome!) and abba can handle things outside-" she said and sprinted outside to do, Allah knows what 

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