chapter 20

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There is only one thing more precious than our time and that's who we spend it on!

✨Leo Christopher



"Whats your leisure time hobby?" Asked Namaan and Iqra rubbed her face

"Uhh reading?" She said more like a question

I chuckled

"Your turn!" Said Nabaahat and I nodded

The 5 of us decided to hang back at the porch of the house and play question and answers to get to know each other

"So.... bhabhi?" Winked Nafasat and Nabaahat slapped her hand playfully

"Give bhai some slack.." she muttered and I laughed

"Naah it's cool, I am used to that question!" I said and Iqra laughed

"Yes he is... it seems people only wanna know about his love life!" She winked and I felt my body heat up

Oh hell no she didn't!

"Ohh so anyone?" Asked Namaan and I sighed

Tell them or not?

Guess not until ammi knows

"Not really...." I muttered and they laughed

"Its okay, we'll take it slow!" Winked Naman and I chuckled

"So what about you guys?" I asked them

"Naman bhai has found his!" Winked Nabaahat

I turned to Namaan with a smirk

"Found her, huh?" I questioned and he groaned

"Bhai, shes just some girl who is disastrous and has a sassy sense if humor!" He replied

I laughed

It did not seem he liked her

"You don't like her" I stated and he grinned

"Finally!!" He drawled making everyone stare at him

I chuckled and he hugged me

"Thanks man! Someone understood me!" He muttered

So that was how our evening went out until dinner

"Ammi made these?!!" Asked Namaan and I shook my head

"The girls helped" I replied taking a piece of steak on my plate

The ladies apparently made dinner. Steak and potatoes was the dinner!

"So uh.. I-" said father and ammi cleared her throat 

he turned to her and smiled 

"We-" he corrected "- were hoping... if we could extend this vacation? until maybe Thursday?" he added

i stared at them 

i have pending work and my firm is under construction and i nee-

"Iqraam quit the thinking face- we know you have work" said ammi and i stared at her 

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