Chapter 22 Final

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"When are you guys going to kill me and feed on my intestines?" Blossom breathed in a joking matter to break the ice. Except on the inside she was consumed by fear. Their was a chance that this joke wasn't really just a joke, she was already bitten once.

Brick growled, slamming his hand down on the counter top, "I already told you, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you!"

"Yeah because I'm going to believe the guy who tried to rip my neck open!" Blossom snapped, trying to stand but lost balance a few times and ended up just sitting back down.

Brick sighed while everyone else awkwardly stood around, not knowing how to approach the situation. The beeping from the oven was the blade that cut the tension in the room.

Sudusa was the first to move, as she went to go pull out the food. She dished it and let it cool, as everyone avoided the others eyes. Blossom was growing past her boiling point but screaming would get her no where. She sighed, "Alright baby steps.." She whispered with a smile, remembering when Aaron had told her those same words, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Two weeks..." Brick muttered, jealousy sparking through him, knowing full well who Blossom was thinking about.

Blossom gaped trying to make some sense of the whole situation, "So just because you tried to take a chunk of my neck, I fell into a coma...?"

Sudusa placed the plate of food in front of Blossom, her hand resting on her shoulder, "More like a transformation, your body was getting prepared..."

"Prepared?! Prepared for what?! Is that what these initials mean?"

"Look Red, before we explain anything to you, you have to eat and get your strength back. If we put any more pressure on you, you'll probably fall back into a coma like state. You woke up earlier than you were supposed to." Butch demanded.

I rolled my eyes but ate the food anyways, it was pretty good but they could've slipped something into it. I finished as quick as I could, "Now, it's time for some explaining!" I snapped, facing them all.

"Alright, but we aren't going to hurt you, you have to understand that." Brick whispered.

I huffed but nodded, "Go ahead, it's not like I can go anywhere."

"Their's no easy way to say this, so I'm just-" Sudusa started but was interrupted by Butch.

"We're vampires, creatures of the night, bloodsuckers, you know the whole Blah, blah, blah!"

She gaped at him, "Butch! Really?!"

He just smirked, "You were beating around the bush, it's really annoying."

Blossom glared at them, "Real funny, I'm laughing my butt off," She deadpanned, "Seriously, what's going on here?"

The others just rolled their eyes, "We aren't lying, Blossom. We all know you've made this connection a long time ago but the logical side of your brain will not allow you to believe it." Brick snapped.

She just huffed and glared at the ground, they were insane, they had to be insane! Vampires don't exsist, their just the hot guy in books and sometimes in movies, if you were that lucky. They were probably some crazy ass twilight fans, stuck in a fantasy.

Bricks frown deepened, "Did you seriously just compare us to twilight?"

"I said all that out loud didn't I?" She winced, saying things like that out loud to these psychos won't help her.

He sighed while the others glared at her, "No, I heard you think it."

Blossom raised an eye brow at him, he thinks he some Edward Cullen, now she was positive this was some crazy twilight shit.

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