With You

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EDITED: 03/18/2023

11 - With You

Trunks had never liked the parties his mother would throw at Brief Manor. They were always full of nosey reporters and snobby guests that always asked too many questions. Like his father, Trunks preferred to stay inside the main house like his father.

Truthfully, Trunks hadn't planned on attending the ball, even though he knew he would be back in time for it. It wasn't until he found out Pan would be there as well that he decided to go. It had been a relief to find out that no one had asked her yet, and with her looking so beautiful in that lavender dress, Trunks couldn't stop himself from asking her to go with him. He had been prepared to see her again in that dress, but he was still speechless when she met him on the stairs to go down to the ballroom. Maybe he was completely biased, but lavender really did go well with her pale skin and dark hair. She had on little makeup, just enough to make her eyelashes seem longer, a blush to her cheeks, and a gloss on her lips.

It wasn't until Pan mumbled at him to stop staring that Trunks realized several minutes had passed at that moment. Of course, Trunks didn't stop staring; he only smirked, which made Pan's face grow even pinker. It was adorable, really.

For the first time ever, Trunks found himself not counting down the minutes until the party was over. In fact, he could almost forget they were at a party at all as he ignored the nosy reporters and guests who asked too many questions. His focus was entirely on Pan, who had dragged him to the dancefloor as soon as she could. Although Bulma had forced dance lessons on Trunks when he was younger, he wasn't much of a dancer, but seeing Pan smile as he held her in his arms made him never want to stop. After they hanced through several songs, they sat at a table with Bulla, Goten, Marron, and Gohan near the back of the hall where they could have a little privacy. Bulma gave a speech, more dancing followed, and before Trunks knew it, the night was passing by and it was almost time to go back to the main house.

"I hate wearing these suits," Goten mumbled as he stood by the stairs with Goten as they waited for Bulla and Pan to come back from the bathroom. "Why can't your mom make the dress code dressy - casual?"

"Even if she did, Bulla would still force you into a suit," Trunks told him.

"Like hell, she would," his best friend grumbled.

Trunks looked behind Goten, 'Did you hear that, Bulla? Goten thinks -"

"Goten thinks you're beautiful!" The man said in a panic. His eyes were wide and his shoulders were hunched up like he was a cat that had just been frightened as he turned around quickly. His shoulders relaxed instantly as he saw that there was nobody behind him. "Trunks!" He turned to glare.

Trunks smirked and motioned his head to the side just as Bulla approached them. She glanced between the two of them curiously, "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Goten said quickly, "You look beautiful, Bu."

Bulla looked suspiciously at Goten before she smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Where's Panna?" Trunks asked Bulla. She had been complaining about her feet hurting her before she took off to the bathroom, so he knew she would want to go in quickly.

"Oh, she's talking to Lapis for a second -" Bulla turned to point towards Pan who was talking to a tall man, but it wasn't Lapis. The man had dark red hair and brown eyes.

"That doesn't look like Lapis," Goten commented dryly.

"Lapis was over there," Bulla huffed.

"Well, who is that?" Trunks asked. He didn't like the way the guy was looking at Pan or the way she was frowning at him. She looked annoyed at something.

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