In Sickness and In Health

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EDITED: 07/09/2023

20 - In Sickness and In Health

It had been a month since Goku had returned with the news about the Horosha. Dende had become their eyes and ears as he watched and listened for any signs of the aliens, and every day the men trained without fail. They had always been good about keeping themselves up to par, but Pan had never seen them so serious before. Trunks had even stepped down at Capsule Corp, and Bulma had taken over for an extended period. He spent most of his time training, and when Trunks wasn't training he was with her.

Pan knew she should more nervous about the Horosha, but she wasn't. She couldn't explain it, but she felt calm about the whole situation. Maybe it was because Mr. Popo had given her a stronger dose of medicine that she now took daily. She hadn't had any headaches in a month, and that alone was enough for her to feel great.

The looming threat of the Horosha was one of the reasons that Pan and Trunks decided to plan their wedding as soon as possible. Another reason was the pregnancy of both Marron and Bulla, who were four and three months pregnant respectively. Neither one of them was big enough to show much, but Pan thought it best to have them dressed as bridesmaids while they could still be comfortable. The dresses were pale pink, with short sleeves that came off the shoulders. It fluttered to the calves in flowy fabric, strategically hiding the small baby bumps. Even little Ming had on a little pink dress that matched the bridesmaids' dresses.

"Wow," Bulla whispered as she finished lacing up the back of Pan's wedding dress and stepped back. "You look beautiful Panny," she said with a smile.

Pan's wedding gown was not a typical wedding dress. Sure, it looked the part, her sleeves being made from sheer lace with sewn designs across it. There was a low dip in the back, leaving most of her back exposed, and the front had a modest dip as well. The skirt with like a cloud of fabric that ran to the floor and drifted behind her. It looked exactly like a wedding dress - except it wasn't white. It was the palest shade of lavender. As soon as Pan had seen it, she knew she had to get it. Trunks would love it.

Bulla moved Pan to the vanity in the dressing room and made her sit down on it. She moved her hands across Pan's hair, making sure the top half of it was still pinned up neatly. "It seemed like it was just yesterday I was helping pick out that lavender dress for the Christmas Ball," Bulla sniffed.

"Bulla, don't get emotional on me," Pan teased as she caught her friend's eyes in the vanity's mirror. "You've known this day was coming."

"It's the pregnancy hormones, not me!" She sniffed again.

"Good thing for water-proof make-up, right?"

Bulla leaned down and wrapped her arms around Pan. She rested her head against Pan's shoulder. "I love you," she said.

Pan reached up and squeezed Bulla's arms gently. "I love you too, Bulla."

They stayed like that for several moments before Bulla leaned back and grinned at Pan. "Okay," she said, her blue eyes sparkling. "Let's finish these final touches. It's almost time."


Trunks was not a nervous person. He had the ability to remain calm and collected in most situations. He enjoyed the rush of adrenaline that washed over him when solving difficult challenges.

However, for the past month, Trunks had been nothing but nervous. His anxiety gripped his stomach, making him nauseous. There had been no signs of the Horosha. Dende had promised to keep his eyes, ears, and antennae on the lookout for them. The silence made Trunks even more worried about Pan. Although she was acting completely fine. The new medicine Mr. Popo gave her took away her headaches and nightmares.

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