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EDITED: 4/21/2023

13 - Hunt

"Do I have to?" Trunks grumbled as Pan dragged him into Brief Manor.

"Yes," Pan nodded. "Let's just be lucky Bulma agreed on a birthday meal instead of a party."

Trunks shuddered before he squeezed Pan's hand, "thanks for spending the day with me."

Pan looked up at him with a bright smile. It was June first, and Trunks' twenty-fifth birthday. A month ago, she had asked him what he would like for his birthday. Although she would love to surprise him with a fancy gift, it was hard. What could you give to a man who already had the newest smart devices and cars? She already decided that she would buy him new ties for when he wore suits to work, but that didn't seem enough.

At first, Trunks had told Pan that he didn't want anything, but she had kept pestering him until he said that he wanted a date. A date like they had before Christmas, where he could pick where to go and what they were doing. Pan agreed, only on the condition that when her birthday rolled around in October she be granted the same present with no extreme gifts. Trunks had promised, though Pan was certain his fingers were crossed behind his back.

Their first stop of the day had been to a cat cafe. They had drank their coffees and eaten their muffins all while nearly cooing at the cuteness of the furry felines who roamed around the cafe. By the time they left, Trunks was thinking about adopting every cat there. He had been thinking of getting a cat for his penthouse.

The second stop had been an amusement park. Pan wasn't fearful of heights or going fast; she could soar through the sky faster than any coaster there, yet, there was adrenaline that rushed through her when the coasters scooped down quickly. Trunks laughed as she clutched his arm with a surprised scream.

It was growing late into the afternoon by the time they left the amusement park. Trunks had wanted to go to the penthouse for the rest of the evening, but Pan had reminded him that they were requested somewhere else.

Bulma had begged Trunks to let her throw him a birthday party. Pan didn't blame her since it was Trunks' first birthday home in six years. Trunks had refused a party, no matter how much Bulma begged him, but he did agree to come over to Brief Manor for dinner.

"I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else," Pan said. "Would it make you feel better if I told you I knew Bulma was serving that steak and bell pepper stir fry meal you like so much? And, I made you a delicious strawberry cake for dessert, too."

The corners of Trunks' lips curved up in a smirk. "What if I want something else for dessert tonight?"

"Like what?" She raised an amused eyebrow. The strawberry cake was his favorite treat, and he had been asking her to make it for him for the last two weeks.

Trunks leaned down so his lips barely brushed against her ear. "You," he whispered.

Heat instantly spread across Pan as her heart flopped inside her chest. She was reminded of when she visited Trunks a few weeks ago in his office and shuddered as she remembered his hands in her hair as he thrusted into her mouth. She could still remember the taste of him on her tongue. Trunks had been begging to return the favor, and Pan was eager to let him, but every time they had come close to being intimate, they would be interrupted by something.

Trunks straightened up and stood in front of Pan. His warm, large hands grabbed her hips. "Stay with me tonight," he said before adding a quiet, "Please."

Pan nodded quickly. She didn't trust herself to speak, because if she did, she would probably tell Trunks to ditch the dinner and just take her to his penthouse now. She wondered if he was thinking the same thing because his blue eyes were dark and hazy.

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