The Truth

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EDITED: 06/20/2023

19 - The Truth

Pan sat at the edge of the bed as she watched for the door to open. Trunks would be leaving the Time Chamber any minute now, and she had decided to wait for him in their guest bedroom. She played with her engagement ring as her stomach fluttered in anticipation. She had only seen him 12 hours ago, but somehow, it felt like she had been away from him just as long as he had been away from her. Maybe it was a result of their Saiyan bond.

The knob clicked, and Pan sat up straighter as her stomach fluttered. She held her breath as the door opened and Trunks walked in. His lavender hair, which had been a little shaggy when he went into the Time Chamber, was now pulled back into a low ponytail. He had always been broad-shouldered and muscled, but his shoulders seemed even wider now. His biceps were tight against the sleeves of his ripped black shirt and Pan could feel her pulse raging in her groin. Her dark eyes looked further down him, taking in the dip of his hips, the sliver of tan skin where his shirt had risen, and the tight training joggers he had on.

Trunks exhaled, and Pan glanced up to see he was looking at her with hazy eyes. His gaze alone told her exactly what he was planning on doing to her, and she let out an excited breath.

"Panna," he breathed. He shut the door behind him and locked it.

Pan jumped off of the bed and ran to him. Trunks caught her and lifted her feet off of the ground. His strong arms held her against him as she grabbed his face and kissed him. His lips were burning against hers as he walked over to the bed. He fell down onto the mattress, his arms cushioning her from being squished by his weight.

"Trunks," she sighed his name as he fell between her legs and pressed against her.

"I've missed you so much," he muttered against her lips. He kissed her again, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and making her mind whirl.

It wouldn't take long for Pan to turn into a pile of goo, so she grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back while she still had a little sanity left in her. Trunks looked at her confused and worriedly. "You -" she breathed out, trying her best to catch her breath. "You put a ring on me before you left!"

Trunks grinned in a way that almost made her pull him back down her. "Do you like it?"

Pan reached her left hand up and placed it on Trunks' cheek. Her engagement ring was sparkling, "I love it," she told him softly.

Trunks leaned down to kiss her, and Pan held him in place. She couldn't give in just yet. "Panna," he said, a whine in his voice. "Don't you have any idea of how much I've missed you?"

"I have a feeling," she mumbled, trying not to think of his growing erection against her stomach. "But I haven't said yes yet."

Trunks' face fell into a frown and his body tensed. "Oh," he said. "Um -" he cleared his throat, "is it too soon, or -?"

"No!" Pan gasped, "Please don't think I don't want to marry you!" She told him quickly, and his shoulders relaxed much to her relief. "Trunks," she huffed, "you haven't asked me yet! How can I say yes if you haven't asked? Just putting a ring on my finger isn't the same thing."

"Oh," he said again, his blue eyes widening.

"Oh," Pan agreed with a giggle.

Trunks smiled and cleared his throat again. "Panna," he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. "You know how much I love you," he said. "And I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?"

It was impossible for Pan to hold back her grin. "YES!" She shouted, pulling Trunks on top of her.


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