The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

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EDITED: 06/19/2023

18 - The Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Pan sighed as she fell back onto the bed she and Trunks would be sleeping on while they stayed on the Look Out. It had been an exhaustingly long day.

Dende had sensed Goku's return and had let Mr. Popo and Piccolo know about it. By the time the Saiyans arrived on the Look Out, the three of them were waiting for the same explanation Goku had told everyone else. Mr. Popo had stated that he could allow those who wished to train in the chamber only half a day more of training. Piccolo had even said that he would join the fight since it had been too long since a real challenge had come along.

It was decided quickly that Gohan and Piccolo would go into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber together first, then Trunks and Goten, and finally, Goku and Vegeta. Pan was curious about going in herself, but she knew she wouldn't be able to go in it alone. The only two people she could go in with to train were Marron and Bulla. And neither one of them would be able to do it because they were both pregnant. Gohan and Piccolo had gone into the Time Chamber four hours ago, but it felt like a lifetime already.

The door to the guest bedroom opened, and Pan glanced over as Trunks walked in. He shut it behind him before he walked over to the bed and fell beside her.

Pan curled up on her side to look at him. "Are you nervous about going into the Chamber?"

"Not really," Trunks sighed. "It can't be much different than it was when I was a child, right?"

"Are you and Goten going to spend the time making up new Gotenks moves this time?" She teased.

Trunks rolled over to face her and propped his elbow up on the bed so he could rest his head in his hands and look down at her. He grinned, "Gotenks had some interesting moves, you can't deny that."

"I can't say that I remember it too well," Pan admitted. "You and Goten should fuse so Gotenks can show me his moves."

Trunks chuckled, "I'm ashamed to say that I honestly don't know if Gotenks would be able to do it. It's been a while since Goten and I fused. We'd probably end up disfigured again if we tried before practicing." He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair before he began twirling a piece. "I know today's been a mess, but are you okay? I saw you taking some medicine earlier."

Pan's stomach churned guiltily. "It's just a headache," she whispered.

"You seem to be having them more frequently," he murmured worriedly.

Pan leaned forward and rested her head against Trunks' chest. She could feel the steady drum of his heartbeat, and it eased the pressure inside of her head. She wanted to hide it from him longer, especially now that the Horasha were coming. But the day had tired her out, and she knew this wasn't something she could keep hidden from Trunks much longer anyways. "I'm a mess," she told him.

"Hey -" he began.

"It's true," she cut him off. "If it's not one thing, it's another. Nightmares, not being able to control my powers, nightmares returning, and now headaches? I am a mess."

Trunks sighed. He untangled his fingers from her dark locks and cupped her cheek so he could tilt her face to look at him. "I can handle it."

Pan knew he meant it too. She smiled, "I'm going to talk to Mr. Popo while we're here. It could be my body is growing immune to the medicine I've been taking for my nightmares. That might explain why I've been having some again, and why I have headaches."

Trunks nodded his head, "that sounds like a good idea. Let me know what he says if you ask while I'm in the chamber." He ran his hand over her cheek, down her neck, and wrapped it around her back. "One thing I'm not looking forward to in the Time Chamber is being away from you. I already spent five years away from you, but at least at that time I could email and text you. I could still hear your voice."

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