Out of Control

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EDITED: 05/13/2023

14 - Out Of Control

Lapis was already flying towards Trail Nine when he felt the shift in the air. It made the hair on the back of his neck and his arms stand up straight. It was a familiar feeling - a Saiyan was ascending. He sped up quickly.

The campsite was smoking by the time Lapis arrived. Two tents were on fire and so was a truck. Axel was squatted down, his hands over his head in protection as Pan floated several yards above them. She had blue blasts of energy in her palms, and she was throwing them at three terrified men. They were running, the blasts just behind their heels.

"Boss!" Axel's voice was shaking. "Something's wrong with Pan!"

"It's okay," Lapis said calmly.

He had dealt with Super Saiyans before, though he never dreamed he would have to deal with Pan like this. She had always reminded him of Goku, calm unless provoked. Axel was right, something was wrong with Pan's transformation.

Lapis shivered. "Pan!" He yelled towards her, "Pan, snap out of it! This isn't you!"

Pan did not acknowledge Lapis, or Axel who was yelling at her to stop as well.

"What's going on with her?!" Axel yelled at Lapis.

He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. He really didn't want to deal with an unhinged Saiyan. He dug his work phone out of his pocket and threw it towards Axel, who caught it with a confused look. "Call the number listed for Capsule Corp," he ordered.

Axel's eyes widened, "Mr. Brief -?"

"When he answers it, tell him to come here immediately," Lapis said. If anyone could snap Pan back, it would be Trunks. Plus, Lapis wasn't sure what harm Pan would do to them, and he needed to make sure Capsule Corp could do damage control.

"What are you going to do?" Axel asked worriedly.

"I'm going to make sure she doesn't kill them," Lapis said, and then he shot into the air toward Pan.


The first time Axel had seen Pan, he had thought she was some sort of faerie. She was small, petite, with large dark eyes. She was cute, and he wasn't the only one who thought so. All the men at the Ranger Station had developed crushes on her. All except for Lapis, who was an old family friend and was more like an uncle figure to her. When Axel found out she was related to Son Goku, an old champion of the World's Martial Arts Tournament, it made him like her even more.

Pan had only been interning at the Wildlife Park for a week by the time the first Ranger got enough courage to ask her out. Pan had looked up at him with her cute face and doe eyes. She smiled and politely told him that she couldn't go out with him because she already had a boyfriend. Everyone seemed to accept the answer except for Axel. He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he was still an immature little boy at heart who teased and tormented his crush instead of dealing with his feelings. Or maybe he just wanted to rile her up to see if she was strong as her father.

At Christmas, when Axel met Trunks and discovered he was the boyfriend, it was more of a disappointment than a shock to him. Pan had been telling the truth, and of course, it would be someone like Trunks. They were compatible in looks and everything else. Axel could still remember the Martial Arts Tournament Trunks had been in when he was a child, and how he had dominated in it.

Even though Pan was officially no longer on the market, Axel still teased her. She had the cutest expressions when annoyed, and although he knew he never stood a chance with her, Axel was okay with just being a friend. Plus, he still wanted to rile her up to see how strong she was. But no matter how much Axel poked and prodded, Pan always stayed relatively calm. She never even raised her voice at him. Which was why it was hard for him to believe that the woman he was seeing now was Pan.

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