Keys to a satisfying Conclusion

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It's all about the black moment.

The black moment is when all hope is lost. It's when your main character's greatest fear has happened, the lie they believe about themselves has never seemed truer, and they can't see their way out of this mess.

I know it can be hard to let your character suffer, but without the black moment, your conclusion will feel flat. 

Because if you haven't brought your character to their knees, if you haven't shown them how bad it can be, then they'll lack appreciation of everything working out okay in the end. And so will your reader.

So look at your manuscript and ask, what is my character most afraid of? What would it hurt most to lose? Then make it happen.

A book isn't a book without conflict, but lots of writers struggle with the black moment. They love their main character and don't want to torture them. What about you? Do you have a tough time "tormenting" your beloved main character?

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