Said Synonyms - Explaining

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Addressed: to speak directly to sme, respond or answer

Answered: to respond to a question

Asserted: to add or offer additional information

Assured: to soothe, comfort, calm

Broke In: to interrupt, supplying additional information

Cautioned: to warn or advise; strongly suggest

Claimed: to assert or maintain; to state as fact

Concluded: to finish or draw to a close; to understand

Confided: to let in on a secret; to disclose

Described: to give additional information

Explained: to make or offer an explanation

Finished: to conclude or complete

Quipped: to say ironically or unemotionally

Implied: to suggest, hint, or say without saying

Noted: to make mention; to acknowledge

Promised: to give word or make a vow

Puzzled: to say with doubt or ambiguity

Reckoned: to add or submit; to figure or believe

Rejoined: to answer an objection

Replied: to answer a question or comment

Responded: to reply or answer a question or comment

Retorted: to reply to criticism in a sharp, witty way

Returned: to answer an objection; to reply to a criticism or charge

Speculated: to guess using information available

Surmised: to conclude or deduce

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