Said Synonyms - Questioning

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Asked: to question or solicit

Begged: to ask in a humble manner earnestly

Blurted: to interrupt or interject, to ask all together

Bugged: to ask repetitively; difficult or unwanted questions

Demanded: to ask for urgently and boldly

Guessed: to infer; to ask without evidence

Hypothesized: to guess, infer

Implored: to ask with fervor, implying desperation or distress

Inquired: to ask, seek information

Insisted: to demand strongly, to declare firmly

Pleaded: to answer a legal charge, to lovingly implore

Questioned: to ask, doubt, or dispute

Requested: to ask (sometimes) formally

Wondered: to say with puzzlement or doubt

Worried: to cause to feel anxious, distressed, or troubled

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