Said Synonyms - Sounds & Misc

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Babbled: to speak incoherently; gibberish, like baby talk

Bubbled: to speak lively and expressively; with joy

Chatted: to speak informally as to a friend

Chortled: to chuckle gleefully; short laugh of joy

Chorused: to speak simultaneously, together

Chuckled: short, soft laugh; usually to one's self

Coughed: short, strong expulsion of air from lungs

Decided: finished, set

Echoed: repeated sound

Gasped: heavy breath after scare or physical exertion

Giggled: short, high-pitched laugh from fear or nervousness

Growled: rough, threatening manner

Gulped: to speak taking in large amounts of air as if drinking

Gurgled: to speak with fluid in the throat

Hissed: to speak in evil threatening manner

Hollered: to shout usually to someone at a distance

Lisped: to speak unclearly substituting sounds especially 'th'

Panted: to speak as if out of breath

Piped:to speak suddenly and loudly

Quavered: to speak emotionally with faltering voice

Shrilled: high pitched shriek

Sighed: to speak with difficulty as if bored

Snickered: to say derisively with a laugh

Sniffed: to say as if about to cry

Snorted: to say with contempt and a short burst of breath

Sobbed: to cry uncontrollably

Sputtered: to speak with difficulty perhaps from impediment

Stammered: repeating words and sounds while missing others

Stuttered: to repeat certain sounds multiple times

Vowed: to promise solemnly; pledge

Wept: to cry softly, quietly

Whimpered: to cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds; whine

Whine: to complain or protest in a childish fashion

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