Youre a girl scout (Zayn)

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You are nineteen years old, and you are a Girl Scout. You recently joined Girl Scouts because you learned they are having a contest to see who can sell the most cookies. If you win you get two tickets and a Meet and Greet for One Direction. When you found out you had immediately joined your little sisters troop.

Today is you're last day of selling cookies and you still have almost all your boxes to sell. Things don't really seem to be looking so good. It's very hot outside, so before you leave instead of wearing the ugly green and brownish cream colored uniform, you change into high waisted black short and a purple blue tie-dye crop top with a pair of classic black flip-flops, You wear your hair down in loose curls. Since you have had trouble selling the cookies the formal way, you decide to flirt your way into maybe someone buying all of the boxes. "It's a long shot," You say to yourself, "But I have to try."

You head out the door and get in your car driving to the enormous houses that are just outside of London. When you get to the neighborhood you park along the street and open up your trunk. You get out all the boxes of cookies and put them on a special cart that the troop leader Ursula, gave to you.

"Here we go," You say softly then head towards the first house. You manage to sell about twenty boxes of cookies but you know that twenty boxes isn't going to win you meet and greets. You go to the next house and stop in the driveway. The house is huge and could probably fit five family's in it, "This is the last house," you tell yourself, "Then I'm going home."

You walk up to the door and ring the door bell. A few minutes later someone opens the door and you freeze up like you just Louis Tomlinson. Because you did see Louis Tomlinson.

"Boys!" Louis yells, "Someones here selling cookies!" He turns to you and smiles.

"Hi," you manage to say and smile back.

"Um I will have two have boxes of Samoas, and a box of Do-si-dos no! Tagalongs no! Thin mints! " He says excitedly, "I'll just get one of everything! but two boxes of Samoas."

You giggle, "You really like Girl Scout cookies don't you!"

He hands you the money. "Can you tell? he jokes.

you hand him the cookies and Liam, Harry and Niall come to the door. Your heart begins beat very fast. "Sorry boys, I took the last Samoas." Louis says walking away with all his cookies.

Zayn walks up, "And those are my favorite! You arse."

You feel like you might pass out. Its so much emotion seeing them all at once and you wanna scream and run away. Each of the boys gets a box of cookies then hands you the money. Almost all of them except three boxes are left.

"Thanks!" Harry, Liam and Niall say simultaneously as they walk away. Only Zayn remains at the door.

"No problem!" You say still feeling a little lightheaded.

"I'll just take a box of thin mints," Zayn says handing you the money.

You take the money and give him his cookies, "That all?"

"Can I ask you a question?" Zayn asks you.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"How old are you?"

Your heart drops in your chest. Realization hits you harder then a ton of bricks. You just sold One Direction Girl Scout cookies. You want to run but you know you cant so you reply, "I'm nineteen..."

You wait for him to make fun of you but he just smiles, "Sweet, Im Zayn! Is it okay if I Ask for your number?"

You're jaw begins to drop. You can't believe that Zayn Malik wants your number, "Totally, my names (Y/N),"

"Thats a beautiful name," Zayn says handing you his phone so you can enter your number.

"I can't have a contact without a picture!" Zayn says putting his arm around your shoulder and taking a picture with you.

You laugh, "Thats cute, Can you send me that?"

"Yeah, i'll do it right now babe." You feel your phone buz in your back pocket, "I'll talk you later then? maybe would can hang out or something."


"I'll text you later then, you already know my address," He winks.

"Cool, bye Zayn!"

You turn around then and walk to your car. You still can't believe what just happened you pull out your phone and there it is. A photo of you and Zayn. It had really happened. You save his number and the picture, then drive back to your house so you can tell your all that happened today, Then get ready for your date with Zayn.

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