How you meet (Liam)

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Imagine you are on vacation in England to visit with family. You decide to go exploring around the neighborhood, and about an hour later you find yourself on some random street and can't find your way back. You see a tall handsome boy about your age with brown wavy hair that falls slightly into his eyes. You arent really paying attention to your feet and trip over a large rock. You cut your leg pretty bad and your foot is broken.

"FUCK!" you scream gripping your leg sitting in the fetal position rocking back and forth like an over-sized baby. The boy that had been walking to his car when you fell; comes rushing over to help you up.

"Are you okay?" He asks examining your leg. You flinch in pain as he tries to move your foot. 'Yep. Broken,' you think to your self trying not to cry in front of this extremely attractive guy.

"It's most Likley broken, but you should see a doctor. Where do you live? I'll take you home," He says picking you up and bringing you to his car.

"i dont remember. I'm on vacation and I kinda got lost," You say letting him buckle you up in his silver SUV.

The boy sighs then starts the ignition, "Alright, I'll take you to the hospital. Do you have a phone to call some one?"

You nod your head 'yes' and pull your phone out of your pocket. You dial in your mums number and wait. No answer. "She must be busy. I'll call her again later," You say puting you phone back in your pocket.

"That's fine. My name is Liam Payne, by the way."

You freeze in place. If you could remember correctly Your favorite blog is by a guy named Liam Payne. " I'm (Y/N)," You look at him again and realize it is him. You have watched tons of Liam's twitcams; you read his blog everyday and you follow him on twitter.

"Are you Real Liam Payne on twitter?" you ask alittle curious.

Liam chuckles, " yeah, do you read my blog?"

"Um, yes! You are really amazing and really talented by the way."

"Thanks, it's always nice to hear that."

"It's no problem," You say looking out the window trying to keep your cool.

"So (Y/N), tell me again how you ended up in front of my house?"

"It's my first time here in England and I wanted to take a good look around, I went to far I guess and ended up outside of your house," you explained not wanting him to think you were stalking him or anything weird.

Liam finally pulls into the hospital and parks the car. He gets out and comes over to the passenger seat. He craddles you in his arms. As he carries you in to the hospital your bare back touches Liam's hand. The electrifying touch sends goose bumps all over your body.

Once your settled into the cold damp examining room you look at Liam who is looking back at you. You can still feel that electrifing feeling where skin met skin. Finally you say, "Thank you."

He smiles cheekily at you and replies, "It was no problem babe."

You wonder if he felt the same way when the two of you touched. "Really though, if it wasn't for you I would still be sitting there in pain."

He comes over to the side of the bed and places his hand on yours, "Well I'm glad I did." you both smile at eachother and he keeps his hand on yours. Some time later the doctor came in and told you that you broke three bones in your left foot. The nurse came in soon after and put a huge white cast on you. She isn't very gental and made pain shoot up from your foot to your upper thigh. Liam held your hand and stroked your hair, whispering soft sweet things into your ear to try and sooth the pain.

When she was done and said you could leave your phone rings. You look at the caller ID and see its your mum. "Hello," you say answering your phone.

"Hello, where are you?" Your mother asks.

You don't want to worry her so you say, "Um, made a friend. Can you pick me up?"

Your mother groans, "I'll pick you up in an hour text me the address."

You hang up the phone and look at Liam, "Is it alright if I hang out with you for an hour?"

Liam smiles then says, "okay." He helps you to the car and drives off down the street.

"Hungry?"Iiam asks pulling into a drive-thru. You nod your head yes and tell him your order.

Once you have the order Liam drives off back to his home. He helps you out and into the house. You get settled on the couch and Liam puts in what he says is his all time favorite movie, "Toy Story." You giggle at this thinking how cute it is. As you eat and watch the movie you end up really just talking to eachother the whole time.

You learn alot about eachother and you have alot in common. You find out about his likes and dislikes, for example he told you he hates using spoons. You tell him alot too, you are usually very strict about what you tell people you just met, but with Liam you already trust him.

You tell him about how you have been thinking about moving here to England after you graduate. Liam likes this idea of you living close to him.

Before you know it Liam's door bell rings and its time for you to go. Liam hugs you tight and carries you to the car. He takes your phone and enters his number into your contacts. "We should hang out again before you leave," he says hugging you one last time.

"We must!" you reply anxtiously wanting it to be soon.

Liam kisses your cheek then pulls away and shuts the car door. As you pull away from his house you can't help but become sad. You know that the two of you will see eachother soon but you miss him already. You push the sadness away and think about how wonderful the day went and how life couldn't get better than this.

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