He leaves his family for you - 3/5

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OMG so you guys probably don't care but yesterday when I woke up my friend was like go check your followers on twitter and NIALL WAS FOLLOWING ME! I COULDN'T STOP SHAKING AND I CRIED IT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER.


Louis told you goodbye then hung up the phone. He sighed as he set the phone down and looked at his hands. He had just finished telling you that he was planning on telling Eleanor that night about them. He had been telling you for weeks that he was going to end it but it was now becoming a reality, an it scared Louis. He knew Eleanor had quiet a temper on her and she could explode about the littlest things, that's just one of the reasons he was leaving her.

They had only been married for seven years so far and they had one daughter, Elizabeth, who was five. They adopted Elizabeth four years after they were married when they were told Eleanor was unable to have children after suffering major injuries from a car accident the year before. It was all quiet tragic really, and Louis seemed to think that ever since the incident Eleanor had become a more darker, meaner person.

The fighting between the too had been going on ever since they had gotten married and Louis was just plain sick of her shit. truthfully he would have left Eleanor even if he had met you or not, but for the past two years he had been saying that he'd leave her. Now that he's met you he knew for sure he wanted to start a knew life with you, a fresh start.

Louis trudged into the house after work not bothering to say hello to Eleanor. He stalked off into his office and threw his jacket on the floor. Louis hadn't had the best day at work and all he wanted to do was just take a shower and go to bed.

"Don't walk in here and act lie an arse. you've been gone all day and now you won't even come sit down and have a family meal with us," Eleanor yells swinging open the French doors of the office.

Louis rolled his eyes, "All I did was come into my office. Im in a bad mood El please leave me alone right now that all I want."

"Exactly you came staight into your office you didn't even say hello! or ask how our day was."

Louis turned around to face Eleanor then smiled sarcastically, "Oh I'm sorry my queen, how was your day other then spending all money, sitting around on your ass and dropping Elizabeth off at the fucking nanny."

"I do a lot more then that and you know it!" Eleanor scream.

Louis laughed, "Your right I forgot you go and get facials and your nails done."

"Im a model Louis! That's a real job."

"I'm sorry but it's not. Maybe when we first got married and you were you ger and attractive you did, I mean you don't even fucking get paid anymore."

"You are a fucking arse!" Eleanor cried runnin out of the office.

Louis followed close behind her. "Just admit it Eleanor your a fucking dried up leech. If I wasn't rich you wouldn't be here. Our daughter wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me! If i didn't want her we wouldn't have ever adopted her, I mean look you don't even fucking watch her! We have a fucking nanny for god sake. Im done with you Eleanor your a fucking minger, and I want a divorce," Louis yelled at Eleanor who sat on the couch with her head in the pillow.

When Eleanor heard those sour words her head proped up from the pillow. "So do I..." She sniffled whipping tears from her cheeks.

"I should also tell you that Ive been seeing some one else. Her name is (Y/N), and I love her," Louis said rubbing the back of his neck.

"I know. I've known for awhile now," Eleanor said getting up from the couch and checking her make up in the mirror above the fire place.

a louis crinkled up his face, "How?" He asked confused.

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