You shit yourself

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this was collaborated with maybelouis

You opened the back door and stepped out onto the patio. You were spending the weekend at Liam's cabin. You shriek as Zayn lifted you up and set you in the hot tub. You smiled looking around at the surrounding woods. Eleanor and Danielle stood around the fire pit laughing and roasting marshmallows. Just as Zayn had picked you up and thrown you in the hot tub, he now did the same with Eleanor. She screeched complaining about her outfit, then contined to take off her oversized sweater revealing her swimsuit.

"Taylor move over," Louis said squeezing himself between you and Eleanor. "Thank you Noyes." You giggled at your nickname, remembering your schoolgirl obesession with Honor Society. They never let you live it down. Basically when ever you embarrass your self they never let you forget it, hence why they replaced your last name with Noyes.

Louis reached behind him, and pulled four beers out of the cooler. He started passing them around. You turned down the beer because you didn't think your stomach was up to it. The eight of you say and chated for awhile, while you relaxed in the hot tub.

"Turn on the jets!" Danielle cheered nudging Niall.

Niall groaned leaning behind him to press the buttons. Your stomach began cramping so you got up to excuse yourself to the bathroom, but Liam clapped his hands then stood up, pushing you back to sit. "Wait, I have announcement!" Liam smiles widely down at his friends, "No we have an annoncement!" Liam said sitting down again and taking Danielle's hand.

Danielle blushed and looked into Liam's eyes. You felt a grumble in your stomach paralyzingly you for a moment, hoping the pain would pass you ignored it. Liam cleared his throat then smiled around at his dear friends.

"We're havin a baby!" Danielle cheered. Liam smiled brightly at his wife and kissed her lovingly.

"That's fantastic!" Eleanor yells excitedly wrapping her arms around Danielle.

Everyone grinned and congratulated Liam and Danielle. You tried to act excited for the expecting couple but the pain in your stomach was to much. You stood smiled and said congrats then stood up about to leave. Just as you stood up you felt pressure release in your abdominal and before you even realized what was happening you heard everyone gasp and shriek!

You looked down into the hot tub, the water quickly turning brown and mucky. Everyone screamed and jumped out of the pool. Eleanor sat on the ground yelling hysterically as she wiped shit off her body. Niall rolled around in the grass laughing so hard he shook. Tears poured down Louis' face as he laughed violently. Harry and Liam looked stunned and just watched as you quickly jumped up from the water and ran into the cabin. You saw Danielle get up and it seemed as if she was saying something to you but you couldn't hear her over your own embarrassed thoughts.

You quickly went into the bathroom with your duffle bag and changed into a clean pair of clothes. Tears streamed down your face, clouding your vision. you sank to the bathroom floor and sobbed into your hands. it was the most embarrassing thing that could ever have happened to you. you wanted to run away and hide forever; you wanted to die.

Oh how could I have been so stupid! you think to yourself, I shouldn't have gotten in that hot tub. I should have stayed in side.

you hear knocking and voices on the other side of the bathroom door. you can't bare to see the sickened faces of your closest friends. They'll never once let you forget about this moment ever again. You hold your legs to your chest as you cry harder thinking about how the boys will make fun of you; how Eleanor will be disgusted by you forever;

Danielle will stand beside you and smile at you reassuringly though you know in side she's actually quite disgusted by you. You decide not to face the music and end your life.

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