You pee yourself

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You walked on stage, your hands sweating and shaking slightly. Today was your school talent show and you were going to be preforming daylight by maroon 5. As you stood on stage in front of your entire school you look out and see your crush Louis Tomlinson sitting right in the front his eyes set on you. As you begin to sing you feel an urge to pee, being nervous has always made you feel like that. You have always been able to hold it in but today it felt like a very difficult challenge. You tried to smile and hide your nervousness but it was to much. You stopped singing as you felt the warm wet feeling glide down your leg covering your white shorts. You look at the crowd and see Louis laughing along with his friends. You run off stage and out of the school never to return.


You and Niall are at an amusement park and have just gotten off the latest roller coaster in the entire park. You're a bit dizzy and Niall is beginning to feel queazy. You help him over to the bathroom and he runs in. While he was in the men's room you decided that it would be a good idea to use the bathroom as well. You stood at the end of the long line to the women's bathroom. Not too long after waiting in line Niall joined you.

"I'm gonna go grab a drink and a hotdog, do you want anything?" Niall asked you taking a step out of line.

You sigh and wipe the sweat off your forehead, "A lemonade would be nice."

The line moved very slowly and your bladder was becoming harder to hold. You crossed your legs and hummed as you waited in line. The line inched up a little more every few minutes but there was just too many people. As you took a step forward, another foot closer to the bathroom, you could feel yourself let go. pee ran down your legs until you were standing in a puddle of your own piss. Your light denim high waisted shorts were soaked and it was easy for anyone to tell what had happened. A few kids behind you laughed and a women with dark hair cut infront of you in line. most people went around you in line as you stood there in shock and embarrassment. you didn't know what to do or say.

Niall found you in the crowd of people. You sat on the ground holding your knees and bawling your eyes out. Niall knelt down desire you and demanded to know what wrong. You stood up from the ground and Niall began to laugh. You slant his arm and began to trudge away. He choked back the laughter and went after you, but instead of having a nice night watching the fireworks and the parade they were having that night at the amusement park, you made Niall take you home. You didn't speak for a few weeks but Niall apologized and for the first time ever he told you he loved you.


Zayn and you were on your first date. When he first asked you out you were a bit hesitant, knowing about his past and where he grew up, he didnt seem like a guy who was ready to commit. He picked you up at around six and brought you out to a nice dinner. You were suprised at how well he cleaned up and were now eager to continue the date. He took you to see a new film that had just premiered at the cinema. Being a Saturday night and a new film, many people were in the theater. Zayn not you like big crowds so you make an unworded decision to find a seat at the very back.

The film was The Conjuring, even though it was only on a few minutes it was already chillingly terrifying. You jump at the loud bags and curl up in to Zayns side. The movie gets even more scary as it continues and you are at the edge of your seat, jumping at every little thing. Just as you think the film is about to end something jumps out at the women and you scream loudly. As the credits role in and the theaters lights go on Zayn stands from his seat. Your heart beat was still racing as you took Zayns hand who was smiling at you.

"Was it that scary?" He asked helping you from your seat.

You blush, "Yeah for me anyway..." You say looking down at your feet.

"Lets get out of here," Zayn suggested and you turn and head out of the theater.

As you went towards Zayns car he stepped infront of you. "I can open my own door you know!" You say rolling your eyes.

"It's not that it's just you can't sit in my car like that," Zayn says with his eye brows pushed together in a worried line. His eyes trail down your body.

"What are you talking about...?" You trail off and then it hit you. You had pissed your pants.

"um... do you want my jacket?" Zayn offered removing his black denim jacket.

Your face burned red with embarrassment. Zayn placed his jacket on the seat of his car and helped you I ton the car. Even though he was disgusted and didn't want you to ruin his car he was still a gentlemen. He dropped you off at home and told you to keep the jacket. You promised to get it dry cleaned but it wouldn't matter Zayn changed his number and the two of you never went out on another date.


Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you from his car. Today you were meeting Harry parents for the first time and you were very nervous. You got out of the car and went to the trunk to get your bags but Harry pulled you away and into his arms. He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back gently.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked.

You pull back and look into his eyes. "Because this is your family. If they don't like me then-"

"then what?" Harry asked scrunching up his eyebrows, "If they don't like you (Y/N), then they miss out because you are an amazing girl who I love..."

"I love you."

"And I love you. So does my Mum, which means you already have 1 out of 3!" You both laugh and Harry kisses you softly. When he pulls away he grabes you hand in his and tugs you to the front door of his mothers house.

You are greeted by the strong scent of cinnamon and cookies when you enter the warm house. Ann smiled as she emerged from the kitchen apron in hand and throws her arms around Harry. You stand back and smile at there sweet exchange. Ann smiled brightly at you and then you shared a warm embrace. Harrys mum was the nicest most caring person you had ever met before and the two of you had always had a nice relationship even before you began dating her son. Robin closed the door shutting out the cold air and shook my hand. I smiled warmly at the sweet older man.

"It's nice to finally meet you (Y/N), You're all Harry ever talks about!" Robin chuckles and leads the way into a small cozy family room.

"It's very nice to meet you as well, Ive heard wonderful things!" You smile as you sit down next to Harry on the love seat.

Ann heads out of the room and calls out behind her, "Dinner will be in an hour!"

As you wait for dinner Robin and Harry make small talk. Robin asks you more about yourself and you tell him about how college is going so far. Harry I forms him about how excited he is to have you going on your with him the common up year. When the conversation starts to become dry Harry decides to tell some jokes. You had heard them all before a million times, you could feel that Robin had too but the jolly man laughed as if it were the first time. When Robin sees you are clearly unamused by Harry's jokes he sits back and sighs.

"Ive got a few jokes for you missy!" He says and then begins. You learn Robin has many jokes that are all detailed and hilarious. It doesn't take you long before you are hunched over holdin your sides with laughter.

"And she stepped on the ball!" Robin finishes and you lean on Harry and laughing into his chest. You want to stop laughing but you can't and start to pee your pants! You desperatly try to hold it but there is no use.

Ann steped into the room and chuckled, "That's my favorite joke! I wish you woul have waited so I could hear it!"

"For you my love I shall tell it again at dessert!" Robin smiled and stood up from his seat.

"Come help me in the kitchen Harry!" Ann asked patting his shoulder.

Harry kissed your forehead then got up from the couch and went to help his mum in the kitchen. As soon as they all left the room you got up and examined the couch beneath you. Luckily it was leather and didnt get the couch wet. You snuck out of the door and straight to Harrys car. Locked, and Harry had the keys. You couldn't walk into the kitchen with a wet ass everyone would laugh at you. then you remembered, Gemma had a room up stairs. As much as you didn't want to have to asks Gemma for a fresh pair of clothes you head no other option. This would be the first time the two of you had ever met. Your face burned bright red as you made your way upstairs to geemas bedroom. Quikly and unseen you slipped into Gemmas bedroom.

"Harry I told you-" You she began but stopped after turning and meeting your eyes, "Oh... hello."

"Hi I'm (Y/N), Harrys girlfriend..." You say awkwardly giving a friendly smile.

Gemma smiles seeming more friendly then you had excpected. "It's nice to meet you! I'm sorry I didn't come down and greet you earlier I just... erm.." She looked around to find an excuse. It was clear that Gemma didnt want to meet you because you were her little brothers girlfriend, she felt like you were just like the other sluts he'd dated. Although this time it was different, he brought you home to meet Gemma. He had never done that before.

"It's fine!" You interject, "This is really embarrassing but I um... I need a change of clothes.." you say your face red as a tomato.

"Why...?" She asked then she began to laugh but quickly recovered, "I'm sorry. What happened?"

"Robin made me laugh so hard I accidentally peed..." You start to laugh a little yourself.

Gemma laughs as she rummages through her dresser and pulls out some clothes, "He is pretty funny, Here this might fit!"

"Thanks..." You say taking the clothes and then walking out if the room. As you make your way to the upstairs bathroom you hear loads of laughter come from downstairs where Gemma had just retreated to. You groan to yourself as you get dressed for an awkward dinner with Harry's family.


It was a very hot summers day as you say down on a folding chair beside Liam's. You smile as he grabs ahold of your hand and gives it a little squeeze. You leaned over the arm if your chair and kiss him softly. Liam gets up from his chair and checks the grill then turns to you and smiles.

"Why don't you get into your bathing suit and we'll take a dip?" Liam asks raising an eye brow.

You get up from your chair and agree, "Sounds good! ill get towels too."

You change into a black bikini and mesh with a pair of black flip flops. You quickly tie back you hair in a loose ponytail and head back outside. You sit down at your back yard table and helped your five year old daughter, Victoria, get situated at the table. Liam served the hotdogs and burgers and you all eat. When you were done you and Liam blew up some pool toys and got Victoria to put on her floaties. Finally you all got in the pool and were having a good time when you had to suddenly pee. Liam had just gone In side the house when you felt like you couldn't hold it any longer. Unfortunatly you had to watch Victoria and make sure she didn't drowned until Liam returned.

You forced a smile on your face even though you were extremely uncomfortable and played with Victoria. She climbed on to the ladder of the pool and jumped into your arms. As you caught her you felt your self slip from your hold on your bladder. You couldn't stop the pee and you groaned in embarrassment.

"Ew Mummy did you pee?" Victoria scream and kicked her legs splashing water everywhere trying to get back to the ladder.

You blush a deep shade of red as Liam returns in just enough time to reach in and grab Victoria. He looks at you in suprise then smiles softly. Liam sets Victoria down and the motions for you to get out of the pool. You sigh an then get out. Before you can hurry into the house Liam grabs your arm ad pulls you in to his arms.

"It's okay babe, it happens to everyone," He says softly in your ear. You pull out of his hug ad go up stairs with out another word for the rest of the night.

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