Chapter 9

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Isabelle's P.O.V

I took the bus to Swindon train station and from there I took the train to Cardiff, it was the first train to leave the station, also I had seen it on Torchwood and figured it looked alright, another positive was that the journey was under two hours.

The fact that I had the money was a small miracle, ever since Drake's phone call I had always kept essentials on my person in case a quick get away was needed: Credit card, pay as you go phone and my Ipod, that last one is an essential. It's nice to know that so many people care about me; however, it does make running away a lot harder. I don't want to go back to the life I had before, all I did was mope around because of some guy! Well not just any guy. But anyway, I want a new start to life and I’m determined to do just that.

I now have no belongings and a dwindling credit fund, which could become a problem. I figure with the money I have I could probably stay in a B&B for a few days, but in that time I would have to find a job. I had just paid Mark for a month's rent, if only I’d waited an extra day I would still have that extra cash. I remember that I still haven't spoken to Mark, looking at the time I realise he'd have been home for about an hour now and would have expected to see me there. I take out my crappy phone and punch in a quick text.

"So sorry Mark, there have been a few complications and I’ve had to leave and won't be returning, keep the rent money as an apology for me leaving without notice. Get rid of my stuff. I’m fine so there is no need to panic :). Hugs and Kisses, Bells xxx"

It was rather impersonal considering our relationship and to do that by text was cowardly, I can admit these things and I’m not proud of myself but it was just easier, I’m not the best at sappy stuff and I hate goodbyes. Besides we hadn't really know each other that long, at least that is what I'm telling myself to make myself feel better. I take the sim card out of the phone and snap it in two and put the whole phone in the bin. A new beginning, that's what I’m aiming for, so to do this I will have to once again start again.

I haven't got a clue about my surroundings so I just begin walking, it isn't hard to find a B&B considering that Cardiffis a tourist town, and there are hundreds of the things. Picking one was slightly harder though, since the quality and price of them differ so dramatically. After finding one I decided I need to pick up some new clothes, nothing fancy of course, well not on my budget anyway. But since I left in such a hurry all I have is quite literally the clothes on my back.

On my travels I had spotted a Primark on Queen Street and that was now my target. My shopping list included a few casual tops, some jeans, underwear of course, a couple of pairs of shoes, a new handbag, some jewellery and a variety of outfits that were smart enough to be worn for job interviews, as that was next on my to do list. Seems like a lot really and like I was just spending the only cash I had, but as I kept telling myself, this is all stuff that I need!

Back at the B&B I sit on my bed staring at the little box, I had gone to Superdrug after Primark for the make-up essentials and other essentials like a toothbrush, when I had gotten an idea, but now I wasn't too sure that I wanted to follow through with it. Looking at my auburn curls in the mirror I twist my head from side to side, trying to imagine myself as a brunette. I'm quite proud of my ginger hair really, as much as people taunt me for it. Less than four percent of the world's population has naturally red hair and I’m one of those four, I see that as lucky whereas others would see it as a curse. Arguing with myself I also realise that with those odds ginger hair would make me stand out more, so grabbing the box of brown dye I move into the bathroom.

"Yes I do have experience in serving, however, it wasn't in a professional capacity like this would be. What I really need is a job that can help me start out in the world of work, if you know what I mean. One where I pick up vital skills that I can then take with me to any job I may get later in life." This is the third time today I have run of this speech, I hope it doesn't sound too rehearsed, the woman in front of me seems friendly, she is pretty but not in an in your face kind of way. She's dressed in a business suit and has her hair in an extremely neat and shiny blonde bob.

"Yes well this job will surely get you those. Right I only have one more question. Why do you think you are suitable for this job?" She asks, even though by her facial expression I’m not sure she really cares. I hate these sorts of questions, I’m not very good at selling myself, and listing of my positive aspects always makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Well I’m really good at interacting with people, which I’m sure would be important. I have good leadership qualities but I also work just as well in a team and take orders. I am a confident person and I am also reliable." I stop there because I’m blushing and I am also out of things that I can think off.

"Okay then, so that concludes our interview." She stands up and extends her hand; I too get up and shake her hand, "Welcome to the Marriot Hotel team Isabelle." She grins, spins on her heel and opens the door to leave, stopping half-way out the door she turns back and takes in my appearance "Close your mouth love, you'll catch flies." She states with that same grin "Collect your timetable and uniform at reception before you leave."

I'm still in a daze as I walk into the grand reception of the hotel and hand my slip over to the guy at the desk. He looks back at me and smiles.

"Ah a new girl."

"Yep that's me." I smile back.

"You do know it's compulsory for me to take the new girls out to dinner right? Did Shannon tell you that?" He states with a straight face.

"No she didn't, but calm down boy I haven't started yet, I may be fired by the end of the first day." I laugh.

"I'm Charlie, by the way." He extends his hand for me to shake. It must be the thing to do here.

"Hi Charlie, I’m Bella." I say my hand in his. "Well then I guess I’ll be seeing you around."

"That you will." We say our goodbyes and I make my way to the exit. Stepping out a wave of optimism flows over me, I’m in a new city, I have a place to stay, well sort of, I have a new job, a new look and for now the sun is shining. Things could be a lot worse.


Okay, so it wasn't as paced paced as previous chapters but u wanted to show what she was up to. All the usual points about dedication and editing stand. Please comment, i do read them all and i really want to hear what you think. You guys absolutely smashed my last votes goal, so well done there you are AMAZING and i do appreciate it so much :). Since this chapter was rather short and you did so well with my vote goal, i'll post another one tomorrow, promise. So stay tuned :). 

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