Chapter 16

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Dylan’s P.O.V.

I walk up to Isabelle’s door but stop mid knock. I’m not going to lie, I’m nervous. I check my phone, its five to eight. I check my reflection in a car parked on the street, not because I’m vain but because I need something to do whilst I calm my nerves and get my breathing back under control. My hair I’ve left to its own devices so it’s just floppy, I realise the front is getting a bit long and I have to flick my head to the side to stop it covering my eyes. I’ve sort of dressed up for the occasion and have chosen a black suit with a white shirt but I’ve left open the top few buttons so it looks casual.

It had been a long day, I figured I was going to be in Cardiff for a while so I had asked Dan to send someone down with my clothes and some of my belongings and I have been searching for a place to live that is a little homier than a hotel room. I looked at countless properties but so far no luck. I would walk into one and think would Isabelle like this? And so far nothing I have seen is good enough for her.

Taking a deep breath I knock on the door, there is the sound of feet bouncing up to the door and it swings open to reveal the girl from the other night, the Alpha’s granddaughter. This girl is rather small, smaller than Isabelle and has wavy shoulder length blonde hair, with dark brown eyes. She is pretty but there is something almost childlike about her. She looks me up and down and gives me a wary look.

“Hi, I’m Dylan. Is Isabelle here?” I ask politely.

“I know who you are, trust me I’ve heard it all.”  Ah that would be the reason for the hostility then.

“Erm, right. So is Isabelle here?” I ask uncomfortably as she just stares at me.

“Izzie he’s here!” She shouts over shoulder.

“I know I can hear him, give me a sec!” Comes Isabelle’s muffled reply. Great, extra time with the scary girl.

“So, what’s your name then?” I ask, trying to be cheerful.

“Elle Cooper” She replies, blankly. “I just want you to know that although you may seem sweet, I know there’s another side to this. It must take someone heartless to do what you did to a girl they are supposed to love. I’ve picked up the pieces once and I’ll do it again, no questions asked, she is my best friend. But I’d rather she didn’t have to go through it again. So if you’re planning on breaking her and ruining the progress she has made, please just walk away now.” I nod my head in response but don’t move.

“Don’t worry, this time it won’t end the same way.” I reply.

“Good!” She replies in a mock cheery tone, the reason behind this is made clear when the sound of another pair of feet walks through the apartment.

“Are you two getting along?” Isabelle calls.

“Of course, you know me. There isn’t a guy for miles who can resist my charms.” Elle beams and winks at me.

“That’s true. I didn’t think that Dylan would be an exception to that.” Isabelle replies. This proves she doesn’t know me very well; I only have eyes for one girl.

Elle moves away from the door and Isabelle appears giving me a small smile. She looks stunning this evening, which is no surprise considering I thought she looked beautiful in just her jumper and jeans this morning. She is wearing quite a plain black dress, that is floaty at the bottom and sways softly in the evening breeze. It gets tighter at the top and accentuates her small waist. The only decoration on it is the strap line that is covered with silver beads and ends in a v-shape in the middle of her cleavage. She is wearing a plain silver chain bracelet and a pair of sliver stilettos, that make her just taller than my shoulder. Her hair is loose and has dried into natural curls that frame her face.

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