Chapter 21

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Isabelle’s P.O.V.

The clock in Alpha Cooper’s office chimed 1:30 p.m.There are thirty minuets until we’re supposed to leave, which is a good thing considering I haven’t seen any of our group yet, if they have gone without me I will kill them! I had gotten here early to see if I could offer my assistance with getting things prepared but I had only managed to find Cooper himself and for the big guy in charge he knew very little about the plan or where anyone was. I would never admit this but secretly I was here so I could prove to the chuckle brothers (my new name for the twins) that I was going to pull my weight. I was originally going to call them Romulus and Remus because as the story goes they were abandoned and found by a she-wolf who took pity on them, I don’t know why I keep linking wolf things into life like that because I know none of the shifters I’ve met so far actually find the references funny. However, I soon changed my mind anyway because the story carries on to say how they also then went on to be the twin founders of Rome and I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of turning the name back on me as a positive not an insult.

I decided to set up camp in the foyer so I could see who came and went. I plonked myself onto an overstuffed leather sofa and plugged my I-pod in. This was my one luxury that I was going to take with me and whether it annoys the guys or not I will be making them stop in any villages we pass to recharge it when it dies. I start to bob my head to Save It For The Bedroom by You Me At Six, this song has such a cheerful beat that I can never help but smile when I listen to it. After a while I was really getting into my music to the point where I slumped down further into the sofa so I could rest my head on the back, I had my eyes shut and I was mouthing along to the words and even jigging a bit from my awkward half lying down position. I had gone through a number of songs from things like McFly’s Star Girl to Muse’s Uprising and had even thrown in some Sinatra. I had just started the chorus to The All American Rejects’ Gives You Hell, when I felt the sofa dip besides me. Great I had a guest. I try to carry on regardless hoping they would maybe go away, I just want a few more minuets to myself, if I could finish this song then I’d be happy.

As soon as I think that I might just be in luck my left headphone is taken away and the real world once again fills my ears and brings me back to reality with a thud.

“The All American Rejects, not bad. I saw you as a Taylor Swift fan myself.” I cock an eyebrow and open one eye to peer at the amused face of Dylan.

“I do have her on here too.” I reply holding my I-pod up in the air. “But she isn’t my favourite by a long shot.”

“Who would your favourite be?” I think for a moment, I hate this question.

“Hmmm, well I have a few. 30 Seconds To Mars, All Time Low. Oh I really love John Barrowman and I’m a huge fan of Michael Bublé.”

“Well that is a rather wide selection.” He says with a grin.

“What about you?”

“Blink 182, Kaiser Chiefs, Muse bands like that and then every now and then I’ll find myself singing along to something by Katy Perry or Rhianna.” I burst out laughing at that mental image. Controlling my laughter I straighten up and swivel round so I am sat cross legged and facing Dylan, he looks very relaxed with one arm flung across the back of the sofa and one on the arm rest whilst his legs are stretched out in front of him. It annoys me that this guy can look good in the most basic of clothing, today he is sporting a pair of denim three quarters, trainers and a plan white t-shirt, such an outfit should not be able to impress a person. Yet here I am, somebody slap some sense into me. His lopsided grin has me mesmerized and it takes all my efforts to look upwards and meet his eyes.

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