Chapter Seven

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.:Chapter Seven:.

Well, I guess it's morning now.

Wow, I didn't sleep at all last night. I was up the entire night, tossing and turning, wondering about Harry's dream. I swear, I need to start recording our conversations because I miss so much when my thoughts go off the wall. The two biggest things that I keep thinking about are: what was fully-straight and why didn't we end up kissing?

I have no idea why it's bothering me but I can't seem to stop thinking about it.

I feel Harry moving around so I turn around myself and look at him. I guess he wasn't expecting me to be so close because he ends up bumping right into me. He then yawns and opens his eyes, rubbing them like the cute baby he is. He then stares at me and smiles, as if he's admiring me or something. Things start to get weird so I say, "Creeping on me again Haz?"

His cheeks then turn red and he looks into my eyes. I feel tingles run down my spine as he replies, "Maybe. Admit it, you like me staring at you."

I kind of do actually. Is that weird? Oh boy, am I now considered as weird? I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO GO ON THE DR. PHIL SHOW OKAY?!

"Maybe I do," I chuckle calmly even on the inside I'm freaking the fuck out. "Who wouldn't want those mesmerizing green eyes to be staring at their own?"

Harry smiles at me and then just stares off into space. I cock my head, waiting to see how long this will last this time. Usually his brainfarts last only a minute or two, but it feels like it's already been five freaking minutes. Jeez, what is he even thinking about anyways?! What goes on through the brown-curly thick head of his?


I'm sorry; I just couldn't take it anymore! I tried, I really did. But then I started wondering what you were wondering Harold and then I was going to get lost in cloud nine as well and who knows how long we would be thinking about stuff? I did this for you, Harry, I did.

"I guess I'm just a bit out of it since I just woke up," he says. Oh shit, that would explain it! I didn't even think of that. "I'll be better once I've processed food in my body."

I look at the door and half-expect Niall to come out of nowhere and say, "Did somebody mention food?!"

As it turns out, I was wrong. No Niall came into the room asking about food - which is actually quite strange for him. Usually he tries to wake us up so we can go to Manuel's because he doesn't want to go alone.

"Ooh," I smirk, teasing around with him, "in your body? That sounds so dirty Styles."

"You would know," he laughs. "Tommo the tease."

Damn, he's got me there.

"Oh really? What about you, Hairy Harry."

Why the fuck did I just say that? Mental images people mental fucking images going on right now. God please Harry, just change the subject...

"You don't know if things are hairy down there and you'll never know."

Wow, that was oddly comforting. But . . . if it was so comforting, why do I feel a bit sad now all of a sudden? See Louis, this is what happens when you don't go to sleep and get your eight hours like you're supposed to! You start acting all weird.

Harry gets up out of his bed and goes to his drawer, probably trying to find some clothes for today. I find myself checking out his ass. I know there's a weird factor here but I ignore it and continue to stare at it, noticing how round it looks. If only he could just take off his-

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