Chapter Three

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.:Chapter Three:.

We luckily manage to get our bags quickly and we then walk out of the airport, looking around. I suddenly notice this random man in a tuxedo holding up a sign that says "One Erection". Oh my, well that's unfortunate . . . for him. For us, we don't really care but he's the one holding up the sign. Maybe he's trying to get with some of the tourist ladies. Hehe.

"Seems like they got our band name wrong," Niall says and laughs to himself.

All of a sudden, all three boys look at me for some strange reason. I stare at all of them and cock my head a bit, raising my eyebrows. I give them all a quick confused look before looking down at my crotch and saying, "Don't look at me, I don't have one."

Maybe they're mistaking me for the guy holding who sign who probably has one. He's probably announcing it to the world and hoping that some desperate lady will want to get with that. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

Zayn, Niall and Harry suddenly burst out laughing and I pout, crossing my arms and looking down at the ground. First they stare at me thinking that I have one and now they're laughing in my face because I don't have one? Everyone's a critic.

"Bienvenidos muchachos, que son Une Dirrecion correcta?" the guy who's holding the pathetic sign asks.

"He said, 'Hello boys, you're One Direction right?'" the girl beside him explains and smiles at us.

I totally knew that...

"Well, get in then boys," the girl explains after Liam confirms that we're One Direction. "We'll bring you to your resort. I don't know if your manager Will told you but–"

I wonder how we'll split the rooms. Will we have to share rooms or do we each get our own? I wouldn't mind sharing with Harry if that's the case. But I have to make sure I get Harry, not the other boys! They can bicker of who will be alone but I am most definitely going to be with my Hazza.

The girl opens the limo door and I realize that my mind wandered off. I quickly shake myself out of it and get into the limo after Harry, sitting down beside him. Harry turns to me and smiles before looking back at the girl who gets in as well and says, "The resort is forty-five minutes away so you guys can just relax until then."

Harry then turns back to me and I return the smile from before. He then once again smiles back at me and I shiver, feeling cold for some odd reason. It doesn't make sense for me to be cold since we're in Punta Cana so I simply shrug it off and don't think much of it. It's probably just the air conditioning in the limo, we went from the heat to an air-conditioned car... it makes sense after all. No need to question it further.

"This is going to be fun yeah?" I ask, trying to change subjects in my head.

"Yeah it will be," Harry smiles and nods. "I wonder what we're going to do tonight since we can't really be in the resort."

"Wait, what do you mean we can't be in the resort?" I ask and frown, not liking the sound of this.

"Remember, Danielle and Liam's big reunion?" Harry tries to refresh my memory.

Oh. Oh. Say no more Harry, I got it. They're going to be doing the jiggly-wigglies. Yes, I say jiggly-wigglies instead of the actual thing because it's more appropriate, because I myself am so appropriate... moving on.

"Oh right," I laugh and shake my head to myself. "I forgot that Danielle was coming. We'll just find some place to eat us four and then we'll come back once it's a bit late and we can really start our adventure the next morning."

I look over at Niall and notice he now has a smile on his face. Of course when I mentioning finding a place to eat, he smiles. Gotta love that hungry Irish fella.

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