Seven Minutes in Heaven - Zayn's P.O.V

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Harry turns towards me and asks, "Truth or Dare Zayn? Be warned, I'm going to make it brutal either way."

"Dare," I smirk, wondering how bad can it be anyways.

"Okay. I dare you and Niall to go in the closet and play 7 Minutes in Heaven right now."

My smile immediately leaves me face and I try not to freak the fuck out. What the actual fuck Harry?! Do you not know that I have the biggest crush on Niall and being alone in a dark closet with him is the worst idea ever?!

Hmm, I guess I really did only tell Louis, but Louis and Harry are really close so I thought for sure Louis would tell him. Huh, I guess I can trust Louis, maybe I should start telling him more of my secrets then like how sometimes I've thought about leaving the band and becoming solo . . . but I don't think I could ever do that to them or the fans, that would be too cruel . . . wouldn't it?

"I told you it's at your own risk. Now go in the closet and we'll count," Harry smirks, clearly enjoying this.

I look at Niall and he looks back at me. I can tell he looks just as nervous as I do. I start to get up with my trembling legs and force myself to look straight ahead towards the closet. Niall starts to follow behind me and with every step I take, I get more frantic. Liam pipes in, "You guys don't have to actually do anything you know! You just could talk or something..."

What's up with him? Why is he acting so weird about this? I mean it's not like this will affect him in any way possible. But it might affect mine and Niall's friendship and ruin it forever. I guess we'll just have to find out what happens in the closet. Funny, seems like I just came out of the closet not too long ago and now I'm going back in.

Once we're both in, I close the door. Everything turns to black and that freaks me out because . . . I'm slightly kinda terrified of the dark. Niall says something but I don't hear him, I'm too freaked out. I can feel myself shaking and I close my eyes, thinking maybe that will help the situation. Why the hell is there no nightlight in here anyways?! Every dark place should have some sort of light in it for this exact situation!


I open my eyes and I realize it's still dark, making me cringe and make an inaudible sound. I shut my eyes again when I somehow feel a light even though my eyes are closed. I open my eyes and notice Niall has his flashlight on his phone and he put it on a shelf. I sigh of relief and look at him. He gives me a weird look before nodding and making an "oh" sound.

"I forgot you were scared of the dark," he chuckles a bit, making me feel self-conscious. "Sorry Z."

There's that beautiful nickname. Z. I could listen to him say that all day.

And just like that, he's automatically forgiven. Good lord I'm such a softy when it comes to Niall. I wonder if he can tell.

"Okay before anything, when we get back out, we dare Harry and Louis the same thing right?" Niall asks me.

I grin and nod. "That's a great idea; give them a taste of their own medicine."

Niall chuckles and grins, agreeing with me. His smile immediately leaves his face and he has on a serious look. I start to feel worried, wondering what's so serious that's making my Niall stop smiling. He's always smiling, why isn't he smiling right now? He should be.

I rack my brain to think of ways that I can make him smile

He takes a deep breath and looks straight into my eyes. I shiver and I try to look away to make sure I won't blush, but I can't seem to look away from his stupid mesmerizing eyes!

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