Zoo House

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It's funny to think back and know we didn't have money for much but we kept getting pets. Poor pets didn't have a chance in this world. We had bunnies, wild turkeys, dogs,cats, ducks, chicken, and exotic birds just to name a few. We couldn't afford to properly care for them so most of them die from some type of ailment. Except the dogs, they lasted forever.
Because it's humid and hot in Panama all year around insects such as mosquitoes, fleas, and gnats infested the land most of the year. Our pets would get them and our poor dogs would be severely infested by fleas which would infest the house and be everywhere, specially the big nasty ones would crawl the walls in nasty lines. Eww my stomach just turned.
We also had roaches, rats, mice and bats. Yeah bats. The houses are made out of cement blocks which had open wholes that would serve as the perfect nest for these rodents. Granddaddy would set-up traps everywhere so it wasn't new to step on a dead mice every other time. We could hear them make noises all night long. They would also get in between our worn out mattresses holes and die there. We couldn't get them out so we had to wait until they decomposed, dry up and stop smelling on their own. Yes, we were poor and couldn't afford new mattresses. They would also die electrocuted inside the outlets in the walls Dumb animals. Some say because my step grandfather practiced witchcraft, the rodents wouldn't leave the haunted house.
The crazy part about having pets besides not being able to feed them was the fact that we lived in the city, and had farm animals running around like it was a field. Lord Have Mercy!! Unbelievable...

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