Confession Day

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We were raised Catholics, at one point Panama was predominantly Catholic. Now with all the religious revolution there are many many other religions throughout Panama. Christianity has taken over. To be honest with all the corruption and misconduct of the Catholic religion, there's no wonder why people are thirsty for something real and less disappointing.
I was baptized as a child, but didn't do my First Communion like the other kids did at 9 because it costs money to get in the classes and I wasn't aware of the various activities that the church offered. At 13, I qualified for Confirmation, which is the next step after First Communion. It meant to confirm your faith. More like the second baptism. Cuca was my Godmother for this occasion. You need one, they supposed to help you in your walk with Christ. Cuca bought my dress and shoes for this. I love her. It was great fellowship, it was a real positive thing to do at the time, all my peers did it so I did it too. Besides my uncle Boris taught it. He was mean at home but fun at church. Go figure. We got to go places with the church. Trips to nice resorts etc. It was a great class.
It was extremely educational, Catholics don't play about their teachings, you have to know the bible chapters, their order and all important events in the bible, the doctrines, the prayers etc. You was going to learn in order to pass the class and get your religion. It's serious. It required for us to come to church Saturdays and Sundays. And twice a week for class. Catechism is the name of the class. Well the day before we get confirmed we had to confess our sins to the priest. It requires for us to fast and then wait in line for they to call your name. Then you go to this confession room and tell the priest all of your sins, and evil thoughts. Many of the kids were crying coming out of there. So the next one in line would panic and cry too. All I could think was, what have I done that I need to tell. I sat there and couldn't think of a thing to say, then I thought about stealing some change out of grandma's purse, so that's what I told the priest. He absolved me from my sins, told me to say three hail Mary's and go in peace. I wondered why were the other kids crying about. They must've had some real sins, I thought to myself...
The ceremony was lovely. I loved my classmates. Too bad that was the last religious step before marriage so we lost touch with each other and life went on. It was a great experience. I'm glad I done it.

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