Five: Ethan Winters?!

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My stomach was in knots. But still, as I walked through the cast-iron gates, I couldn't help but feel like one of those really cool people with the golden auras around them and their hair whipping through the wind that apparently only surrounds them.

Well it wasn't really me that was "cool" but who cared? We grabbed the attention of every student in Baccard High as we flaunted through the grounds with our confident smirks and stride.

We were all scheduled to be in different classes so we would be able to inspect more of the students and cover a wider range. Unfortunately for me, I would have to play a very insecure and shy nerd. I kind of was already socially awkward but with my new body and everything, I was anything but insecure.

Every time I tried to hunch my back or make myself small, it reminded me of the times that I was fat and abused. I hated it.

I got to my class about seven minutes early and found an empty seat in the very back. Opening a book, I scanned my surroundings, taking in the different students and memorizing their faces.

Suddenly, a body plopped next to mine. I snuck a glance at the guy and saw a flash of midnight black hair.

Oh fuck.

It was Ethan.

Desperately trying to calm the nerves bubbling through my stomach, I averted my eyes and desperately buried my nose in my book.

Unfortunately, he saw me glance at him.

"Hey, you don't look familiar. New here?" He asked, staring at me. Hard. It was beginning to creep me out.

"U-uhm yes I'm new," I looked away, hopefully indicating that was the end of our conversation.

Yet he still pressed much to my annoyance.

"What's your name?"

"My name's Elo--"

Shit we forgot to make cover-up names.

Mom had told us what fake names she had put in our applications, and I totally forgot. Anyway, we could always just hack into the system and change the names.

"" I blurted out.

"Ellie? You're sure?" He joked, chuckling.

"Y-yeah," I attempted to smile shyly, and swore I saw him blush.

What the hell was happening?

"That's a beautiful name. Where are you from?"

"Uhmm..." Think, Elodie, Think!! "I-I'm not really comfortable..."

Oh greatness I'm so stupid. Great excuse.

"Oh yeah," he smiled uncomfortably. "That's fine I totally understand."

The rest of the time before class went about without any hitches, as did class itself.

Our teacher came in. She looked like a supermodel.

Back when I used to go here, I remembered the rumors of the slutty high school teacher in her twenties that gave 15 points extra credit for a lay. The girls hated her and the guys loved her.

"Good morning class," she winked at a few guys and I snorted with disgust. "My name is Celine Sringelle but you can call me S. I don't like last names. Anyway I hope we'll have a great year together," she smirked suggestively, linking eyes with Ethan.

Okay, I'll admit it. Ethan was hot.

The two years that I'd been gone had done him good. He built up nicely and looked smokin' much to my dislike. It wasn't that he wasn't good looking before, but last time he had this kind of a boyish face.

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