Twelve: Fake Date?!

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Ethan and I went on the first ride, one of those stomach-dropping roller coasters like the Tower of Terror, but smaller.

It was so. Much. Fun.

It seemed that one of the things we had in common was our love for extreme rides. Every ride was different, but I had a blast.

We sat on one of those park benches, sharing a cone of cotton candy. I was in pure bliss and Ethan...he just looked like he was having a lot of fun.

Suddenly, he turned to me. "Are you having fun? Do you think Selene will have fun on this type of date?" His midnight eyes were full of hope, but my stomach dropped at the mention of his crush. His words pulled me back into reality.

I shouldn't be having fun. I was on a mission. "Yeah."

"Man, I really hope she'll have a great time. I mean, this is so much fun! I can't imagine how much more fun it'll be with her," he smiled brightly, and I tried not to show the hurt I got from his words, but my lips couldn't help but twitch into a slight frown.


"Ooh! Let's go on that one next!" His finger pointed in the direction of one with loops and tunnels. He grabbed my hand, and I couldn't help but notice how our hands perfectly intertwined together. And I know I should have let go, but I held on, allowing him to pull me away.

We stood in line for a few seconds, before we were allowed to enter the brightly colored gates. And guess what? Fucking front row seats.

This was the best day of my life!

Just before we were strapped in, I looked over at Ethan. He had the most beautiful expression on his face. His eyes were wide with anticipation, and his mouth was twisted into a boyish grin.

It was an expression I had missed dearly, and it was as if he had come back, for just a split second.

Unknowingly, my hand came in contact with his, and we laced fingers.

I missed you, Ethan.


It was about 9:45 and we sat on the same park bench, simply holding hands and relaxing in the chilly night air.

"Selene's a lucky girl, for you to be chasing after her," I said without thinking. Blushing crimson, I turned to look at him, and he looked back at me.

"This was fun," he smiled, squeezing my hand just a little tighter. "But I haven't learned anything. I really just enjoyed myself today. I still don't know how to seduce her, or talk to her..."

I sighed. He'd never learn. But before I could open my mouth to answer, Ethan cut me off.

"But for once, I don't really care. I don't have to worry about her, I think," his black orbs found mine and we stared at each other for longer than we should have. I awkwardly coughed and looked away, but my insides were tumbling madly.

Kristie's words echoed in my head.

Don't go too far. You know the rules.

The rules.

It's not like he liked me anyway. I didn't need to worry about that. I can like him as long as he didn't return the attraction...right?

I cleared my throat. "So how about we meet up after school on Monday? We can discuss your tactics for stealing her heart."

His face fell for a split second, but it was so fast I wasn't sure if I was imagining it.


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