Nineteen: Be My Girlfriend??

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"I've liked you for awhile now," Ethan looked at the ground, tentatively. And either he'd gotten a new affinity for makeup and blush, or he was actually blushing.

Ethan Winters was blushing. Because of me.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Elodie Skie?"

I gaped. And gaped. And gaped again. The fat girl in me was shrieking with joy, while the assassin was chanting, The rules. It's against the rules. The rules. It's against the rules.

But I knew what I was going to do. I had rehearsed it, I had dreamt it, and it was finally a reality.

"Ethan, I--"


Pause time for a bit and ... Rewind a bit more to where it all started.

I swear my life in those past days sounded like a story straight from that shallow-sounding app that all the normal girls from school kept talking about. What was it called again? Watemap? Wappal? Wattpad? Something along those lines.

But the thing was, I loved Ethan Winters. That's right. I was in love with him. There was no denying that.

Every morning, I'd look forward to going and seeing him in the hospital, watching him sleep, talking and laughing with him. Everything about him was perfect. His laugh, deep and throaty. His smile, small but wide and they made his eyes crinkle just the slightest bit at the corners. His nose, long and straight, but cute as a button. His eyes, deep, molten chocolate brown with small specks of ocean blue hidden in them when you looked hard enough. And his lips. Boy, those lips were beyond gorgeous and I found myself dreaming about them day and night... How it would feel to have his press against mine, how they were just the right shade of pink and maroon or how perfectly delectable and soft they looked all the time.

I'd dreamed about his lips so damn much to the point where I almost took advantage of him while he was asleep.

It'd been early in the morning. I'd decided to come by and drop off a chocolate croissant, and I don't know what possessed me to do it. But soon I found myself slowly leaning down until our faces were inches away. His hot breath fanned into my face and I just stood there, mixing air with my unconscious crush.

That's when a tsunami of realization washed through me and I snapped from my daze. Instead, I gave him a peck on the cheek, my lips lingering there a bit longer than I had intended... And that was it. It became a normal thing from me from then on. I would lean down, study every inch of his face and just be closer than ever to kissing him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was cowardly, pathetic. But I'd always give him a kiss on the cheek before heading off.

One day, I was going through the steps of my normal morning routine of showering, changing and picking up a hot croissant at the bakery before checking up on Ethan.

I set the steaming bag on his nightstand before leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. But the room was quite small, and the door suddenly opened, slamming into my behind and shoving me into Ethan.

My lips touched his for just a second, so fast that I doubted that we even kissed. But I knew something happened.

Finally coming back to my senses, I jumped back in horror, collapsing on one of the chairs, set against the wall. A small nurse came hurrying in with a clipboard.

"Oh! I sincerely apologize, Miss. Was it you I hit when I opened the door?" She looked beyond guilty and sincere, so I decided to let her go. Although, my butt did hurt quite a lot.

"Yes, I was," I smiled tightly. "But I'm fine. Can I get an ice pack, though? I think I bruised my butt."

The small nurse nodded ferociously. "Of course, Miss. I will be right back." She hurried out of the room.

Revenge of the Undercover NerdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora