Seventeen: The Kidnap

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I suggest reading the whole thing. A lot happened in this chapter.

"Kristie! Caleb! Code RED!!" I shouted, then led a trembling Mrs. Winters onto one of our couches. "I need to know everything."

"Ah, well, he came home late last night. He looked quite...shaken actually. I was having my late-night snack and he just barged up into his room. Despicable behavior," she sighed. "I didn't question it. I figured he was having girl problems and, well I knew we could be a handful. Anyway, this morning, he just wasn't there anymore. I-I don't know what happened."

I smiled reassuringly just as Kristie and Caleb came down. "What's going on?" Kristie asked.

"We've got a runaway loose, it's Ethan," I said. I tried my hardest to look purely professional, but Kristie saw through my facade.

"Are you okay?"

No, it's all my fucking fault. "Yeah. Let's just find him."

"Oh, no," Caleb was looking down at his phone. "Your mother, Elodie, she just reached out. She says to check for Starr...uhhh," he scrolled down. "Oh, here. Case Status: Possible Kidnap."

At that, Kristie gasped and Ethan's mom whimpered.

A massive migraine was beginning to tingle behind my eyes. This was just getting worse and worse. Nonetheless, I sent a reassuring smile to Ms. Winters. "He'll be fine, I promise. Just stay here until it's over. The location is secure and Caleb will be here with you."

"What?" He gaped.

"Please? I know you've been bored, but you have to send locations and hack computers for us. Kristie and I can handle ourselves."

Caleb groaned, but nodded. "Fine, but only because you said please."

I smiled thankfully at him and wrapped my arms around his torso in a quick hug before running up the stairs to get my gear on.


"Caleb, you got me?" I whispered into the device stuck painfully in my ear.

"I got you," came a static response.

"You're breaking up."

"I don't care, just get your slow arse over to 1616 Kimerbil Ave. That's all I can tell you. It's a huge building, so I don't know where he is inside the building because the tracker isn't exact."

We had taken it upon ourselves to get a sample of his DNA before hand and somehow used it to track him down. I don't know how they managed to find such advanced technology, but I was extremely grateful for it.

I got on Baby Betty or BB or my motorcycle and sped off with Kristie following quickly behind.

"Wait, he's moving. It looks as if he's heading to the abandoned building next to it, address 1619, same Avenue. Selene is also nowhere to be found, so the kidnap is looking more and more likely." Caleb said in my ear.

"Okay." I answered and slowly but surely sped up, checking my GPS device. Soon enough, after a few red lights, I spotted a huge building with the numbers 1616. Next to it was a small abandoned...well, building wasn't the right word. It was more like a...shed.

I shot Kristie a glance and she nodded in response. We both hopped off our bikes, weapons at the ready before kicking the door open together. I hesitantly tiptoed in, gun at the ready.

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