Ten: Stay Away?!

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Without thinking, I pressed that special spot behind Ethan's ear, leaving him crumpled on the couch. Hurriedly, I ran out of the room, desperately calling for Kristie and Ethan.

"What's the matter?" Caleb asked, clad in a tank top and basketball shorts. He was drowning in sweat, so it was no question that he had been working out.

"We've got a slight problem." I sighed, nervously biting my lower lip. "Where's Kristie?"

"In the loo, taking a wazz. What happened?" He sat down on the couch, taking a long drink of water from a plastic water bottle which he crumpled once he was finished. Then he threw it on the ground.

"No, first off, pick that up." I gestured to the abandoned water bottle on the ground.

Caleb sighed, grumbling under his breath about me being a buzz kill, but reluctantly grabbed the trash, throwing it into the recycle bin.

"Okay, Ethan's got a crush--"

Caleb groaned, cutting me off. "Oh, god, Elodie! Did you interrupt my training session just to rant about Ethan and how he doesn't like you?"

"No!" I exclaimed, slightly offended that he thought I was one of those girls. "His crush is Selene Starr." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Caleb was silent, his face unreadable.

Then it slowly broke into a huge grin, consuming his features. "That's great!"

I stopped.


"I said, that's great!"

"What's great?" Kristie asked from the doorway, still buttoning her ripped jeans.

Ethan smiled widely. "Elodie's crush, who just happens to be her bully who abused her from two years ago just said he has a crush on the serial killer we're looking for!"

"That's awesome!" Kristie exclaimed. Then frowned. "Why's that awesome? You must be heartbroken!!" She turned to me and shot a glare at Caleb. "Elodie's heartbroken!" She rushed to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck.

I rolled my eyes, attempting to shrug her off, but she held tight.

Caleb looked at us with amused eyes and snickered. "And here I was, thinking you were straight."

I think you can imagine what happened next.

Two high-class assassin girls who were questioned about their sexuality against one weak assassin pooped out from training...equals three broken fingers and many bruises.


"What're we gonna do?" Caleb asked, fumbling with the tape around his fingers.

I did feel bad, breaking his fingers like that, but in my defense, he called me a lesbian. I'm perfectly straight, no offense to all you people who likes the same gender.

"About what?" I sighed, picking at the deadly poison they call lunch. "Why is it so good that Ethan's crush is our enemy?"

"The info! You have to spend lots of time with Ethan already, so act as the love-maker!" He smirked, making a kissy-face.

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