Seven: Study Date?!

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I got to Victor's house 45 minutes early and sure enough, he was selling weed in his house. There were four other guys there, all sleazy with runny noses, drooling mouths and greasy black hair parted right in the middle. It was I could do not to shudder with disgust at the sight of them. The other guys disappeared out of sight and Victor shoved his hand in his pants to scratch his balls or something.

"Did I seriously use my feminine charms on this douche?" I turned back towards Caleb and Kristie. "God, he didn't deserve any of my effort or time."

"Oh, shut up," Kristie rolled her eyes. "He's perfect for you."

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused. Why? Did you just fart?"

"What the fuck?!"

"Hush. You're gonna blow our cover."

"Like I fucking care!"

"It's a sneak attack. You can't blow our cover. Haha, blow, our cover. I mean like when she farts she blows everything away. Not like what you were thinking." She looked at Caleb who burst out laughing.

"Oh, yes I fucking can! Wait! I meant for blowing the cover. I can definitely blow the fucking cover whenever I like!"

"Stop saying the F word."

"Like you don't fucking say it too!"

"Shut up."

With that, my last ounce of patience vanished and I pounced on her, squeezing her calf roughly and pressing a pressure point next to her elbow.

Before she could recover, I jumped back away and towered over her with my arms crossed menacingly.

"Don't piss me off. You're my roommate and my best friend," I pouted, helping her up.

"Yeah, let's just whoop these guys asses," she huffed, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

Affectionately, I shoved her and Caleb, the three of us walking up to the front door.

Caleb fingered the nonexistent hinges of the door, looking at us, and we nodded, grabbing our weapons. Kristie had always been a fan of nunchucks and cruel, spiked things while I preferred a simple dagger or or blade. When used correctly, the small knife would be deadly. Caleb on the other hand used his muscles and guns. Damn men and their muscle capacity.

He cocked his gun towards the ground and thrust his heel into the door, his foot connecting inches next to the knob. The door began to splinter, and with another well-placed kick, it swung open and the three of us stumbled inside, weapons at the ready.

We had certainly taken Victor by surprise, for he had bags of...y'know in his hand, and an unsuspecting kid with a Mohawk was handing him a wad of cash. He threw the bag down and pushed the kid away, probably about our age and screamed, "No! I'm not interested!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, giving him that, really, look. Caleb caught my eye, and I nodded. He pointed his gun at Victor. Damn, I love the look on their faces when they know they're in deep shit.

Quickly dismissing the look of horror on his face, I nodded at the Mohawk dude. "How old're you?"


He was lying. He couldn't be older than 17. I shot a look at Kristie who caught the hint and rummaged through a black bag close to his feet.

"I-uh, left my ID at home."

Smart kid. This was obviously not the first time he'd done this.

Stalking over to him, I leaned in close despite his stench.

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